thirty five

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there was an unsettling silence that followed clyde's outburst and storming back into the one really knew what to do.

not to mention the third party of random people he invited over just to watch a boy who they probably haven't even heard of before getting tortured for their amusement.

"this is the part where you all leave," tolkien says directing towards the crowd in his stern voice. they all looked at each other and then dispersed with no talk back. while chris stands there awkwardly fiddling his fingers, "you too!" tolkien says and he scrams along with them.

i was just going over clyde's outburst over and over in my head, that i completely forgot tweek was still tied to the damn chair, "oh shit."

he was just sitting there with an unreadable expression on his face, probably because he was covered in condiments, not saying a word as i ran up to him to attempt to untie him.

"fuck it's not coming off easily," i grunt frustratedly trying to untie it, "what the fuck did he take knotting classes or some shit?"

tweek just laughs, "it's r-really tight so i w-wouldn't be s-surprised."

i get a little sad at his remark, "does it hurt? are you okay i mean?"

"a-a little better now that you're h-here," he says quietly turning his head to look at me. that took me off guard and it made me just want to run around the backyard and so fucking somersaults....but i tried to keep as calm as i could by just giving him a warm smile.

i finally managed to untie him and he nearly fell out of his seat at the sudden change but grabbed his arm to keep him stable and helped him on his feet.

we just looked at each other's eyes and it felt like we were the only two people in the world, only if it was for a brief moment.

even if he was covered in all those different condiments, he was still beautiful to me.

"you smell like a mcdonald's," i say and he laughs and then wipes my shirt with his hand getting that shit on me.

"and n-now you do t-too," he says smug-like. i couldn't even be mad, i've missed him so much. i missed this so much.

i almost got overwhelmed looking at him with so much love and admiration i have for him...and i couldn't help myself. so i slowly leaned in and so did he, closing the gap and—

"oh good you got him loose," tolkien said running up to us totally oblivious that we were trying to have a damn moment.

we both turned to him resulting in tolkien's demeanor changing to nervousness realizing what he had interrupted, "oh i didn't— i didn't realize—"

"it's f-fine. i smell l-like a m-mcdonald's anyway," tweek jokes and i laugh with him.

next thing we knew, red and nichole came running back with pissed expressions sitting on their faces.

"what's up with you two?" i ask as they approached our circle.

"that bitch ran away," nichole said, "we got in a few good slaps and she just ran."

"cried like a pig," red said, "sorry tweek, we wanted to beat her ass for you."

"i-it's the thought that c-counts," he laughs and then looks like he's caught his own thoughts for a moment that he seemed like he wanted to voice.

"what's wrong?" i ask him.

"i-i....i feel l-like i owe you all the b-biggest apology in a-all apologies. like i-i need to make a youtube v-video and e-everything god," he says tears forming in his eyes.

we were all silent encouraging him to continue, "you a-all warned me, m-multiple times. and y-yet i resented y-you all for it...e-especially you, craig," he says turning to me and grabbing my hand with both of his looking at me with sincere eyes.

i just nodded still encouraging him to continue because i knew he still had a lot to say, "i thought you g-guys were j-just being m-mean because i b-broke up with c-craig. and i w-was already m-mad at him and u-used that anger to become s-someone i w-wasn't. i'm j-just...i'm j-just so sorry—"

his voice cracked and he started to legitimately cry, "i-i'm awful! i d-deserved this," he said signaling to the mess that's been made on him.

"no you didn't," i immediately said, "tweek — we definitely accept your apology but please don't say you deserved to be tortured like that."

"yeah," nichole says, "god tweek i forgave you so long ago please...we all did and we understand where you were coming from. being hurt and not knowing how to handle it can make you into someone you don't recognize. we're glad you're holding yourself accountable."

"i-i am," he says voice quivering, "i don't k-know what i-i would do w-without you g-guys."

"if we didn't show up you'd have a bucket of horse radish on your head," tolkien jokes and we all busted out laughing.

"g-god that'd be t-the worst," tweek cringes, "w-whenever i take a s-shower, i-i'm going to give y-you guys the b-biggest hug."

"and i get an extra one," i add bumping shoulders with him and he bumps me back and looks at me with loving eyes, "y-yes you g-get an extra one."

red, nichole, and tolkien make gagging sounds mocking us and we all bicker for a few moments just like old times.

it fell silent for a moment and i couldn't help but say this, "before we go, i need to speak to clyde."

it was like i spoke voldemort's name because all their eyes grew wide in shock that i even wanted to attempt that.

"what? why?! he made a fool out of himself and we got tweek. why add fuel to the fire?" red questions.

"it's not to add fuel, it's for closure," i say and grab tweek's hand for support and he squeezes it, "clyde has done...despicable and horrible things that will never be forgiven. but i just....the way he talked like he felt like he was being replaced and that's why he lashed out the way he did, i feel like i need him to talk to me more about that. hopefully, we can end this chapter on a good note."

they all looked at each other for a moment, "i'm coming with you. i have to," tolkien says and i nod.

"i feel like you guys should definitely do it. get to a place where there's no animosity between you guys," nichole says and tweek and red both agree.

after a few moments, tolkien and i both nod and begin to walk up to the door and knock on it to finally settle this.

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