twenty four

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*present day*

i sat across from nichole at lunch not even listening to her rambling because i was just suffering from a mixture of emotions.

im so angry that she told craig about me meeting with chris this weekend, what nerve does she have to do that because it's not any of his business! and now he's gonna make it his business.

i thought it would just be between us but i guess not because all she's going to do is tell craig and his group of friends.

i'm also very confused on why craig would even bring up chris possibly being related to clyde like what the fuck even was that accusation?!

there's no way, he just pulled that out of his ass. chris told me his last name was harris so he's lying.

"are you even listening to me?" nichole asks slightly annoyed.

"n-no," i say bluntly looking down at my sandwich.

"i'm....telling you what happened to me while i got sick and you're not even listening to me?" she says in disbelief.

"sorry i'm j-just trying to w-wrap my head around the f-fact that you t-told craig that i-i'm meeting with c-chris this weekend," i say.

nichole visibly gulps, "look.....i know you're mad but he wanted to know what was going on and we're worried about you tweek—"

"n-no don't even," i say gritting my teeth, "all y-you guys are doing is making f-fucking conspiracies about c-chris like this is a s-scooby do mystery!"

"he's dangerous tweek and he is related to clyde—"

"i'm n-not gonna listen to this b-bullshit craig i-infested you with," i say getting up with my lunch and begin walking towards the trash cans to throw it away.

"tweek listen to me," nichole says running after me, "he is! he deleted his picture but i swear to god there was a picture with him and clyde together with clyde's dad in the background at some sort of family thing!"

"y-you guys are all l-lying it's making me insane," i say getting agitated and jittery.

all of my nerves were stacking up one after the other i physically felt like i might explode.

i genuinely needed to find some peace of mind and leave but nichole wouldn't let up.

"WHY ON EARTH WOULD WE FUCKING LIE ABOUT SOMETHING LIKE THAT GOD TWEEK USE YOUR BRAIN SOMETIMES," she blew up angrily and more people started paying attention to us.

my entire body started shaking at this point and i wanted to just curl in a ball and die with all this attention on me.

especially after making eye contact with craig all the way across the cafeteria. he stood up looking really concerned.

nichole realized what she said and immediately felt guilty apologizing for what she said, "oh my god i didn't mean what i said i—"

"y-you said it though," i say smiling tightly, "i'm g-gonna go to the b-bathroom now. t-talk to me whenever just n-not today."

nichole opened her mouth to say something but frankly, i don't want to hear more so i just turned around and left making my way towards the bathroom.

sitting in my signature stall that i reside in whenever the world feels like too much to let out a good cry.


"i just don't understand what happened," tolkien says comforting nichole who was crying, "you guys were talking normally one minute and then screaming at each other's faces the next."

"he was mad at me from the beginning," nichole said wiping her tears, "he didn't want anything to do with me and i took it personally and said something that shouldn't have been said."

it was a few minutes after that meltdown in the cafeteria with nichole and tweek and everyone was gossiping about what happened in the lunch tables surrounding us.

i just felt really bad all together because nichole and tweek are actually good friends....and i can't help but feel like this is my fault.

"nichole i'm sorry," i apologize to her and she looks at me confused.

"you're sorry? i should be apologizing to you god i told tweek to use his brain," nichole says still recounting what just happened and internally cringing at her voice of words.

"he wouldn't have been so off putting from the beginning if it weren't from me telling him i knew about him going away this weekend with chris this morning," i say, "red warned me not to do it and i did it anyway."

nichole looks at me sympathetically while sniffing, "it's fine you were just worried. i feel like we all would've done the same thing...i just need to apologize to him. i feel like he's so alone right now."

"he keeps pushing everyone away," red says, "you can't blame him though. i want him to know that we're not his enemies here, and i don't know how to do that."

i begin feeling even more awful because tweek believes he has to go through this alone which isn't true. he's pushing anyone away that's connected to me...once again i feel like this is just all my fucking fault.

"well we just have to show him we're here for him by being there physically for him," tolkien says still rubbing nichole's back.

"what do you mean?" red asks curiously.

"let's just show up to north park and be there for whatever chris and possibly clyde has planned for tweek," tolkien clarifies.

we all sit around and think about it for a second.

"that could possibly be the best or the worst plan," i say, "but what other choice do we have because telling him not to go doesn't do shit."

"exactly," tolkien nods, "we just show up and catch him in the act and we're solid."

i look around to read everyone's faces if they agree with this or not and everyone seems fairly on board.

"okay i guess we're going to north park this weekend," red says.

north park here we come.

days to north park extravaganza: 3


fights with your best friend are the worsttttt

like sometimes worse than a breakup

do u guys recall having a nasty fight with your friend?

god i do we didn't talk for a WEEK


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