the sound of soft jazz was playing through tolkien's speakers in his car on our way to finally face clyde and his pawn piece chris.
it was about an hour drive so i made myself comfortable by bringing my switch to play some breath of the wild and to just...decompose before whats about to come.
my peace of mind was interrupted by nichole whipping around from her shotgun seat to face me and said, "you made out with annie on the night tweek dumped you?"
i nearly dropped my switch at the sudden question, "what?!"
"WHAT?!" tolkien also said nearly swerving the car while red took out her headphones to listen to the conversation.
nichole didn't look mad, she just looked confused like she wanted the truth, "please don't make me say it again....."
i looked at her and then out the window to phrase how i want to put this, but also wanting to know how she found out in the first place....and if she knows then he definitely knew.
"you look terrified," nichole says, "look: tweek told me yesterday and—"
"WHAT?!" i screamed and i swear i could have gone into cardiac arrest.
yesterday? i literally walked him home yesterday and he seemed perfectly fine. i would have expected him to literally murder me in front of the school. how on earth was he so calm?!
" did," nichole deadpans and tolkien keeps looking between nichole and the road and says, "this is the first time i'm hearing about this."
"okay! yes i did but it was only because we were playing fucking spin the bottle! it was a game and there were no feelings for my side attached to that damn kiss!" i state my case quickly.
"and i'm his witness," red finally decides to chime in, "he was pressured into it, he didn't want to do it at all."
"and why weren't we informed?" nichole questions.
"because cartman said that nothing was supposed to leave the house and frankly i thought the less i spoke about it, the bigger chance i could erase it from my thought of existence," i explain and then gulp, "and how did tweek find out and how did the school not burn down with him knowing?"
nichole laughs, "trust me — he was pissed. but he quickly got over it saying how it's still bad but it's out of his control since y'all technically weren't together. and....annie told him."
red loudly shuts the book she was reading, "oh that bitch i want to drag her ass through the mud."
"so do i! she's such a bitch telling that to tweek," nichole says.
i was just fuming. of course annie decided to tell tweek. if anything i should be surprised she didn't do it sooner. she's just a spiteful bitch that wants to make tweek miserable because she's jealous.
"you guys can deal with her in about thirty minutes," tolkien says, "halfway to an ass beating."
i laugh at his comment and decide to check my phone since i decided to stop playing breath of the wild at the moment.
somehow i ended up back in tweek and i's imessage chat and was hovering over the keyboards like i wanted to send something to him.
my fingers kept twitching out of being scared, but what's the worse that could happen? him being not answering? i've dealt with worse.
so i decided to not be a bitch about it.
me: hey
and immediately after pressing sent, i decided to be a bitch i got scared shitless and threw my phone to the ground so i wouldn't be able to know if he answered or not.

"Boyfrenemies" Vol. 2
Fanfictiontweek and craig are now in high school! their relationship seems to be quite comfortable between the two. until one day, a boy from North Park spots tweek and becomes infatuated, realizing he wants him to himself and will do anything and everything...