Chapter 1

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⬆ .What Noah looks like. ⬆

Noel was on a walk trying to get some sun. The past few days she has had a bad feeling she was waiting to cross the street so she could start going home. She was across the street and a man that looks sort of like her with staring intently at her.

She saw him starting to walk toward her so she did the same and started walking towards him but they did both did not see a car coming straight their way. They both heard the honk and looked at the headlights heading straight for them. They both gasped as the car headed straight for them. They looked at each other and everything went black.

When they start waking up it was to tweets of a bird and the wrestling of leaves as the wind blew past them. They both started waking up and the first thing noel saw was a whole bunch of leaves and grass instead of a hospital room or the street like they expected.

Noel POV
"Huh" Noel said as she pushed of the ground to look at her surroundings. All she could see was plants and a strange looking guy next to her with a fox tail and ears. She could not see anything familiar with her surroundings.

She looked over at the guy next to her and reached out to shake him up. She touched him and jumped back and in fright as she felt a jolt of electricity as she touched her skin. She shaked as she reached over to touch him again. As she reached over she did not feel the same electric shock as she touched him the first time so she gently shook him awake.


Noah's POV

I do not know what has happened all I see is a black I hear tweets of a bird and I hear rustling of leaves. I here a soft bell like voice say "huh". I want to open my eyes but I cannot. I felt the person with the soft voice reach out to touch me but jump back after we both felt a shock. The voice I think is a girls voice reaches over a couple seconds later gently shakes me awake.

I somehow get the strength to open my eyes with her touch. As I open my eyes I can see better then I have all my life. I feel something wiggle on the top of my head. I reach up to touch it and I feel animal ears on top of my head.

I didn't even notice the person next to me until I heard "Excuse me sir". I looked over and saw a little girl thet looked like me just with white and light pink hair.

A little voice In my head said "Is this her could it really be?" You see a couple of years ago my foster family told me I was adopted and that I had a twin sister. The only thing I know is our parents are dead and she lives on her own.


Noel's POV

As I looked at this man I felt longing not the romantic kind of longing but the kind where you want to be held my a family member.

I meekly smiled and said "Hi". What Hi who says Hi to when you are lost in the wilderness. Although I feel like I can trust him.


"Sorry for how short it is I will try to make them longer as I go. Please forgive me this is my first story so I do not know how long it will take to get chapters out. So I am sorry for any and all mistakes."

In this story there was 627 words.

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