I'm more than that.

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Kuroko didn't expect his holiday and weekend to turn out like this. The coach decided to give them a break and threatened to increase their training menu if they hold basketball during their breaks.

Mayuzumi-san, Chihi-nii's father, visited him and his Grandmother because the business meeting in Tokyo that he attended finished earlier than he thought. The elder Mayuzumi wants to check on how is he doing and congratulate him on the Basketball Winter Cup result.

"I'm so sorry 'tsuya-chan. I badly want to watch you and your big brother but I forgot the time difference between US and Japan."

"You don't need to feel bad about it, Mayuzumi-san. I think Coach has a record of the event, would you like me to give you a copy?"

The elder Mayuzumi is actually fun to be with. He's really unlike his own son, Chihiro, who's too expressionless. Indeed the brothers get their genes from their mother.

After a long talk and catching up, he agreed to Mayuzumi-san's invitation. The next thing he knew, they were already in Kyoto. However, Chihiro is not in his apartment when they check on him. They are about to let it be and just eat wherever, but Mayuzumi-san needs to leave. The elder Mayuzumi actually told him to order takeout instead. Still, he refused and said that he'd stay at Chihiro's apartment because Chihi-nii will surely be back soon, and I'll ask him to cook.

Unfortunately, Kuroko forgot a crucial detail, Chihi-nii's team captain is Sei-kun. They don't do breaks or holidays. Guess I'll wait until Chihi-nii's practice is over then.

While reading, Kuroko falls asleep and hopes that his big brother is back when he wakes up. What he didn't expect is he'll meet his big brother teammates, Looks like Chihi-nii is making friends now. I'm glad.

Even when the Mayuzumi-Kuroko-Relationship-Misinterpretation is solved, Kuroko thinks that there's still some exciting thing that will happen. After all, Hayama-san wouldn't get to talk to him and ask random Seirin-related-question-that-is-not-quite-related-to-basketball-questions for nothing. Having connected all the dots, Kuroko decided to cut the chase.

"Does Hayama-san like someone in my team? Is it Izuki-senpai, to be exact?" Kuroko directly asked. This made Hayama freeze. Mibuchi laughs at his own friend's reaction. If anything, Hayama is so discreet with his questions and words. It seems all random, but Kuroko, Te-chan, still managed to get the hidden intention.

Akashi smiled to himself. His Kuroko is really observant to the point that he sees things clearly. One of the reasons why he genuinely loves this man.

"Yeah, I like Shun. Eh, I didn't expect you would notice." Hayama admitted while blushing hard, just thinking about the Seirin point guard made him all red.

"Even if Hayama-san's questions are random, the answer always includes Izuki-senpai," Kuroko said to make Hayama realize where he went wrong. Mibuchi is quite delighted at how Te-chan quickly makes Kou-chan speechless.

"That's impressive, Te-chan! And yeah, Kou-chan is quite smitten with your Izuki-senpai that he won't shut up about it." Mibuchi interjects that got a "That's true it's sometimes too irritating." From Nebuya, who's still in the kitchen and a betrayed "Reo-nee!" from Hayama.

"Well, Izuki-senpai is both smart, sporty, and really attractive if I put it in words. It's understandable, Hayama-san." Kuroko said thoughtfully. He knows how Izuki-senpai has a set of fangirls who gush over him.

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