John's normal day

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Hello, it's me the tea drinking psychopath here with my new series that you voted for, so if you don't like it you can only blame yourselves and everyone who voted for this. Personally I wanted to do a harem one with Sera, Remi, Cecile, Elaine, and Evie cause she's a wholesome little package. So to retaliate at you guys for no real reason, I am Going to break John. You thought he went crazy in the original story, well then what would it be like when he has to worry about two of his friends, both with painful destinies.

School courtyard

"What a quiet day". John thought to himself while being chased by 3 blood thirsty mid tiers.

" I'll kill you!!!!" one of them yelled.

"Get back here, cripple" said another.

"So peaceful." John still thinking to himself.

some context John was minding his own business when he saw the three bullying a low-tier and being the fool he was he decided to intervene, which leads us to now.

John turned his head to look back at them as he tried to escape but then he noticed that there was only two. As he realized the third one that had disappeared he was sucker punched in the face by the missing pursuer who had cut him off.

John fell to the ground from the Surprise attack, his body hitting the pavement and the trio surrounding him.

"Thanks for that, I was really getting tired of running." John said with a smug grin. He was still calm and wasn't really listening to hos attackers threats, he actually was thinking that he was forgetting something.

"I'll fucking kill you!!!" the leader of the group yelled, picking the cripple up by the collar. "It's about time someone wiped that smile off your face" he continued about punch him in the face.

But then as he was about to go in for a punch the mid tier realized he couldn't move his arm like it was stone, no frozen. The bully looked at his arm and only trembled when he turned to see someone walking towards them.

"Who said you could touch my friend" said the Magenta haired girl with glowing blue eyes.

Sera had her arms crossed and obviously unhappy.

The 3 thought about running but then some else was also heading towards them in the other direction of Seraphina, but a shock of electricity stopped them from doing so.

"I hope we can solve this problem peacefully". Said the pink haired girl also with a bright smile. The bullies were even more terrified as they saw Remi behind them. Lightning  crackling around her.

John greeted his best friends still being held on by his shirt collar.

Sera looked at John realizing that he was injured and her anger only grew.

John whispered to the one holding him, telling them to run.

Sera was ready to beat the three people who hurt her best friend to a pulp, but she didn't need to because they had taken John's advice and started running for their lives.

"Oh no, you don't get off that easy." Remi said, she used her index finger and shot a single bolt of lighting at the leader. The shot hit his back and he screamed in fear as he ran away.

Remi blew at her finger as if blowing smoke from a gun in movies, before turning her attention to John.

"John, you need to be more careful." Remi said rushing to his side.

"Yeah, sorry.'' he replied, blushing.

"so how bad did did they get you?" sera asked.

"Nothing serious" John said brushing off some dirt on his clothes.

"so we can go to the mall still?" Remi asked excitedly. Making John groaned finally remebering that the reason he got into the fight was to have an excuse not to go with the two. But he didn't say that to them.

"John, remember you promised" Sera reminded him.

"Fine" John said " but I am not carrying any of your bags again."

" it's funny how you think you have choice  :3" sera replied. as they left for the mall.

this one was short but trust the next one will be much longer and better,

hahahahahah ahhahahahaahahahhahah ahahahaha hahahahahahhahahhahhahahahahhahahahahh ahahhahahhahh ahahhahahhaha hahhahhah hahhahahahahahhahhhahahhahhahahahhahhahhahhaaahhahhhahhahhahha  hhahhahhahahhha hahhah hhahahahahahhahhahah ahahhahhha  aaahhhhahhhahahhahahhahhahahahhhahhahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahhahahah ahahahahahahahahahhh


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