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[A/N: HEYYYY! Yeah I'm still alive! No worries. I've got my holidays so I'll try to update more but seriously I have exams so may not have time. And I've also kinda not updated because I was annoyed with everyone telling me I NEEDED to update and I wanted to prove that actually, I don't need to, it's in my control-  you know I love you all but the pressure I'm put under sometimes is huge. I get that in real life and getting it here, which is like my chill out activity is not cool. Don't stop commenting that you want an update though, as it does show how much you love the book, which I appreciate! I'm also working on some new books I may publish soon and hopefully you'll see twisted and this book at a close very soon! Enjoy this chapter- I loved writing it as I know how important it is. ENJOYY :) - Megan xxx]

Upon entering my freezing house, I turned on the heating.

Although I'd only been gone three days, my house had clearly been spending that time becoming a freezer.

Violetta had decided not to come to the house straight away, but instead wished to go to the park and clear her head. I understood.

As I entered the lounge, I wrapped my jacket around me tighter and immediately grabbed the computer again.

I'd spent hours on the plane trying to figure out the password. Yet after what seemed to be a million failed attempts, here I was, trying again.

And that confused me.

For, why was I so determined to find German? I had myself convinced it was for Violetta. It was because it was what should be done. It is right. Yet as the screen requesting the password came up again, I had a feeling it was for a selfish reason. I felt I was doing it, for me.

And that made me mad at myself.

This time, instead of flicking through the journals, I decided I would just type in random numbers and hope for the best.

I decided to keep doing last year and began typing in each possible date against every month possible.

As I did however, I allowed my mind to wonder.

And how it wondered.

To the first time I saw him in years.

To Caramel Apples on the Bench.

To the kiss in the Kitchen.

To the way he used to smile at me.

To his eyes.

To his eyes, when he kissed me, like it was his last chance.

And in that moment, all I wanted were to see his eyes, to see him smile, to feel his lips on mine.

Yet again it seemed, I would slip into a world of my own, because I was lost in the memory of him, yet a long bleep from the computer prevented it.

I was in.

But what was the password?

I remember being on the 8th, in last year and the last month digits I used were.... 04.


Quickly I flicked to the date in the journal which was half falling from the small suitcase.

April 8th. April 8th.

I repeated it endlessly, until I found the page and a photo fell from it.

Lifting up the small image, I could see it was me.

Walking along the beach, I had a smile on my face and my collegue, Marico at my side.

I turned it, looking for an explaination and there is was. In black pen on the back, in Germans handwriting, it said:

'I went to get her back, but it appears I was too late. I won't ruin her happiness again.'

I then flicked a few pages and saw things that didn't relate to me.

'I agreed to that date'

'It went okay.'

He had come to see me, yet I hadn't even known. The thought had me frozen.

He'd come to win me over, yet he thought I was dating.

So he left.

Because... he wanted me to be happy?

I sighed.

Which means... he loved me.

He loves me.

I dropped the book instantly and turned to the laptop. It showed recent purchases over the past week and I scrolled through them.

A plane ticket to Madrid.

Restaurant Payments.

Hotel Bookings.

Clothing Purchases.


The computer began to buffer, not allowing me to continue.

I hit the keyboard in frustration and then it froze.

I began to try to refresh it and as I did I heard a knock at the door.

I ignored it, too busy trying to get the computer to work but the knocking grew harder.

I tried to block out the noise, tried to focus but failed.

I jumped from my seat and marched to the door.

"Whoever you are, your timing is absolutely rubbish! And I swear you best have a good reason for-"

I swung open the door and froze.  


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