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On the car journey to the Church, German was silent. Everyone just assumed it was nerves, as they did when he threw himself at me. Violetta was still oblivious to the occurance.

All through the journey in the family car, Violetta clung to both mine and German's hand, sat contently in between us.

She was holding German's hand because he seemed nervous.

She was holding my hand because she'd missed me.

"So, how long are you here for?" Violetta asked in an attempt to break the silence.

"Well I arrived yeterday and I'm here for a total of three weeks, so I suppose I have nineteen free days after today." I said smiling.

Violetta smiled too, "That's great! Dad and Annalise go on their honeymoon tomorrow afternoon for two weeks so that means we can spend some time together! You'll even be able to get to know Annalise a little better if you are still here when they come back."

"That sounds great! I can't wait to meet her!" I said gripping Vilu's hand a little tighter.

"You'll love her! She's the only person my dad has almost married that isn't a physchopath." said Violetta laughing.

I burst out laughing too.

"Annalise loved it when I told her that. She said it was the best compliment ever!"

I looked over at German to see his reaction, but his face was immensley pale and expressionless.

"German, are you okay? You aren't looking to good." I said, slightly revolted at how ill he looked.

"I mean, there is no need to worry. She's been rated an A in the sanity section."

"Are you going to be able to say your vows without throwing up?"

German finally looked at me.

"It's not funny."

I shook my head, "Do I sound like I'm being funny or sarcastic? German you look like you've been hit by a bus."

German turned away again, "I'm fine."

I slumped back into my seat. He didn't have to explain anything to me if he didn't want to, but I was only trying to help, because if I was walking down the aisle to see my fiancee in such a state I'd cancel the wedding.

We arrived at the venue and German was immediately taken into the main area where the ceremony would take place so he wouldn't see Annalise when she arrived.

Ramallo was his best man, but he was going to be making an entrance first with Violetta who was the maid of honour, so he waited in the foyer with Violetta.

Olga was just a guest and was given a seat near where Ramallo would be standing to please her but she refused to take her seat until Annalise arrived as she wanted to see her dress.

I would be sitting next to Olga but since she was busy out here, I decided instead to immediately take my seat. As I entered the room, th volume began to rise as more people spoke. Violetta had told me that after her father told Annalise about me, that word had quickly got around her whole family, so it wasn't a surprise that I was causing quite the commotion.

I heard their mutters and liked to mentally add my input to their conversations.

"Look at what she's wearing, she's here to steal him from our Anna."

In their dreams.

"What kind of a physchopath falls in love with her sister's husband?"

Tell me about it.

"I can tell why he fell for her, look at her, you'd go mad if she lived in your house but didn't sleep in your bed."

My head shot around when I heard this and I found a tall, brown haired male staring at me. He was having a conversation with another man of a similar appearance. I presumed they were brothers. Typical boys.

When he saw me looking at him, he smirked, like a desperate teenager.

I raised my eyebrows at him before flashing him my signature smile, accompanied with a small breath of a fake laugh, and a shake of my head. In the past two years, I'd gone from waiting for someone to fall for me, to making them fall for me. I had learnt of many things that I could do that had men on one knee.

As I'd set the trap, I knew he would speak to me later, so I continued to walk towards my seat on the frount row. My heels clicked on the cold floor as I walked with determination.

German was standing near the pue I was assinged to and he watched me walk towards him with wide eyes.

When I arrived, I smiled courtesly at him and sat down promptly.

"What was that about?" he said rather harshly.

"What was what about?" I said genuinley confused.

"What you did to David. The look you gave him." said German as if it should have been obvious.

"Oh well he was talking about me, so I decided to mess with him, it also scored me a drink. I guarentee at the reception he'll buy me one." I said smiling proudly.

"It's an open bar." said German aggravated.

"Then he'll offer to order it for me." I said rolling my eyes.

"How do you know he was talking about you?" said German.

"Because I heard them." I said letting out a breath.

German had a steely gaze on me, "What did they say?"

Sheesh so many questions.

"He thinks I'm hot basically." I said shrugging with only my right shoulder.

"Did he say that?"

Now I was getting annoyed.

"Not in those exact words, but basically yes." I said leaning back in frustration, "Although I don't see why you care."

"I don't." German said defensively.

"Then why ask?" I said annoyed, "Honestly German..."

German said something under his breath. I could have sworn he said 'Because I care' but I ignored it.

If he cared why tell me he didn't?

Men. They're such children.

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