Attending his Wedding

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And so it begins! This will be updated weekly alongside Twisted! I hope you enjoy... attending his wedding.


I tied the bow neatly at the top of the gift. The theme was white so I had chosen some clean white wrapping paper, but was using a stunning gold ribbon for the bow to complete the peice. I felt I had achieved something by wrapping my gift so beautifully.

I lifted the gift from the table where I had so carefully wrapped it and placed it next to my clutch bag that had been so carefully prepared last night. It was important that I didn't forget it as I had spent days trying to find the perfect gift and also because if I turned up without one, it would give the impression that everyone was expecting.

I am not the person that left Buenos Aires left two years ago.

Since everything else was prepared, I headed back into the guest room and began to change into my dress. I wasn't an important part of the wedding, I was just a guest, so it meant I arrived yesterday from France and that I was just as prepared for it if I'd have arrived weeks ago.

I had selected a short white dress that came to just above the knee, it was figure hugging and it made me feel confident and free. I wore it on the last first date I went on and even though the relationship didn't survive past the third date, I was showered in compliments by my last suitor because of it. He also showered me in gifts during our three week relationship and I found myself the owner of a similar one in cream.

Choosing a white dress for a wedding was bizarre. Usually only the bride wears white, or at least thats the rule I've always been told. Yet when the invitation arrived, it was written clearly in bold letters that all guests are to dress primarily in white. This had led me to choose my white dress, the one that boosted my confidence, which I worried would be needed.

I was also wearing it because I was hoping to show him how far I'd come.

My longest relationship since moving to france, was with a gentleman called Christophe, who used to tell me to wear the dress evertime we went out.

His words rung in my head when I was selecting what to wear.

'Angeles, my dear, but you must wear it again! I know, I know. I tell you to wear it everywhere but I do it for a reason, I do it, because when you wear that you become a magnet to anything that posesses power to see beauty. You become the most beautiful person on the planet and everyone's eyes are drawn to you. They look at you and they stop, because you have sent them breathless. That is when I take your arm and proudly walk you beside me, for you are an angel on earth and you have chose to be with me. This gives me a status higher then my work one, for to walk along such a beauty, is my highest honour.'

It turned out Christophe actually had a fetish for dresses without straps, which explained why he always wanted me to wear the dress as it was the only dress I had in that style.

Yet what he said was true. People did stop and stare everytime I wore the dress, so I decided on wearing it today. To see if he would stop and stare, just so I could prove to myself how over him I was.

Once I had fixed my now brown hair into a bun, I smoothed out my dress. It was time.

I put on my heels and headed for the door and towards his house as I would be going in one of the family cars.

I held on tightly to my cluctch bag and the present and as I locked the door took another glance at the invitation which was peeking from the top of my bag.

'You are invited to the wedding of German Castillo and Annalise Ophelia'

'Well, this is it' I thought.

Time to attend his wedding.

Attending his WeddingWhere stories live. Discover now