WW1 part 2

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Wilhelm the 2nd pov

I had my troops hold in France and Italy while we focused on crushing the Balkans then we would decide on what to do with the French with us forcing the French into stalemates on every front we have with them which helped us start up a creation of huge trenches to help us with trenches being created as backup lines which was made in the scenario we are forced back. Meanwhile we took down a majority of the Italian colony with the Ethiopians joining in the war against Italy only in exchange we would give them the Italian colony of the horn of Africa which I transfered the lands to Ethiopia and signed them into the league of the three empours with the Russians and Austro-Hungarians signing it as well as they both had good opinions on the Ethiopians.

France pov

Darn those Germans have held off every front they have with me which is annoying with them even stealing my lands in the horn of Africa. Luckily for me the people are on my side but the fact that we are losing in the Balkans had me make an army to fight there specifically.

Serbia pov

The Austro-Hungarians along with their allies has pushed me back but thanks to Greek and Montengro forces helped me push the front into a stalemate after I lost my northern lands to them.

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