The creation of the the Vladivlodstock pact and more stabilization

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Siberian commune pov

I was created and began to focus on starting up my economy so when I saw more communist nations I decided to ask them for an alliance with us calling it the Vladivlodstock pact as I was the leader of it so when the pact was created I had my members focus on building economies in my lands and the French commune as we have little to no industry right now and if we ever fight anyone we will need economic support along with a lot of mp as the person with the most mp is the French commune. I also began to encourage people to travel to the communes and had them establish a secret law banning people from leaving our country.

USR pov

I decided to give the Cacasians separate states, grant Finland a state, and turn Crimea into a state which boosted my stability I also began to prepare to increase my tank count, infantry count, and naval force count to help me be able to fight my enemies if they ever dare to attack the Grand United States of Russa!

Austrian federation pov

I began to spend more money on anti-corruption with me also forging the Polish and Ukranian states ending the Polish and Ukranian questions which did hurt the stability but not enough to cause trouble for my country but this helped us gain more mp, more economic power, and more stability which are all key for a strong and powerful country.

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