Chapter 7

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Karen sat on the hospital bed while the doctor examined her cut. "So, how did this happen?" Asked the doctor.

Karen glanced nervously at Agent Langley, "I-um..."

Agent Langley cut in, "She wanted to come to the lab with Dr. Gothke and I, to see the equipment. She was walking by a table and we had a knife on it, she cut her arm by mistake."

"I see." The doctor said eyeing the green goo, "If that's the case, why didn't you come to me sooner, this is no fresh cut."

Agent Langley thought on her toes remarkably fast, "You know how she is about needles, she was afraid she might need a shot. I just discovered it today, that's why she's here."

"Hmm," The doctor said looking suspiciously as Agent Langley, "Then why didn't she tell me when I asked? The way you answered, it seemed like you had something to hide."

Agent Langley wanted to kick herself, she didn't have any good answers. She stood there stammering.

Just then Karen winked at Agent Langley and flailed backwards, as if she'd fainted. She knew exactly what she was doing, Agent Langley wasn't exactly the best actor and tended to talk faster when she was lying to someone she trusted, it was different with strangers, people she had to interogate, her lying or just keeping her cool in those situations was way easier to do, but to lie to a trusted doctor for no good reason was hard. Lucky for her, Karen was a wonderful little actress.

Agent Langley ran to her side and put a hand to her forehead, lucky for her, Karen was good at working up a sweat. "She's burning up!"

The doctor felt her head, "Oh my, you're right! That explains why she was having a hard time answereing."

"...Yes...that's why!" Agent Langley said, she wasn't exactly getting an oscar for her performance, but she somehow convinced the doctor.

"I'm gonna need to do a few tests, and you certainly can't help patients until you're better. I'll call the front desk to ask about a room for you."

"Oh, no no, I'm fine!"

"Mhm, that's not what your cut oozing a strange substance tells me." He said skeptically. "Just sit tight and I'll be back in a little bit." As he opened the door, he looked back at Agent Langley, "You know, dear, you're quite a bad liar. I don't know how you're able to do spy work." Then he closed the door behind him and disappeared.

"That was close." Karen said panting.

"You're quite the little actress, Karen. I don't know how you were able to make yourself feel so hot." Agent Langley said smiling.

"It was easy, I wasn't really trying." Karen said in a shaky voice.

Agent Langley looked at her puzzled, "You mean, that... that was real?"

Karen nodded.

Agent Langley took a closer look at her. She saw her complexion going pale, there were bags under her eyes, the whites of her eyes were blood shot, and she was shaking. As she looked at Karen, Karen's small shakes became more aggressive. "Karen, are you okay?"

Karen made a faint noise looking in Agent Langley's direction, her eyes were wide and filled with a pleading look, as if she were saying help me. Agent Langley rushed to her side, but she wasn't a doctor, she didn't know what to do. Karen gave her one last pleading look, her green eyes were filled with fear, then, suddenly, the shaking stopped, Karen's eyes rolled in the back of her head, she lay motionless.

Agent Langley's vision blurred. She shouted at Karen, pleading for her to get up, but there was no response. She ran to the door of the room and screamed for help at anyone she saw. She cried and began getting angry at the doctors who were having a hard time understanding her. Panic overcame Agent Langley as she finally found the doctor who was just treating Karen.

She ushered him into the room. Karen's eyes were still open, but only the whites of them showing. The doctor got more of the staff into the room and shooed Agent Langley out the door. Agent Langley watched through the small window of the door in horror as they got out the things with the electric charge. The doctor yelled "Clear." and pressed them to Karen's chest. Sending jolts through her small, limp body.



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