Chapter Two

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Samuel slowly looked at the agent, "What if I told you that you would never have to get another blood test, or treatment, or even have to stay in here again?" The agent said, knowing the offer was to good to refuse. Samuel knew better he gave her a look like, at what price? He didn't need to say it, the agent knew exactly what he was wondering as if reading his mind she said, "All you have to do is come with me, Samuel your powers are useful, they could save the world some day. They're to special to be contained the way they have been."

Samuel narrowed his eyes on the agent not looking her in the eyes exactly more at her head, "Or destroy it." He said eyes still on her head. The agent was shocked.

The agent was trying not let him know that that frightened her, she managed to say, "Samuel, I- I don't have time for your games." She said as calmly as she could though she knew it wouldn't help if she seemed fine, he could read her mind and her thoughts were terrified. "So is that a yes or a no?"

Samuel looked longingly back out the window. Then nodded slowly. The agent paused and took a deep shaky breath, "Very well, you'll be coming with me then. Let me go speak with the nurse." She said as she clomped on her heels out of the room.

She shortly returned with the nurse who brought a pair of scissors, she walked over to Samuel and cut off his hospital band, he rubbed his wrist and stood up, feeling the bare skin on his arm seemed to have puzzled him. After all, it hadn't been bare like that for two years. The agent walked up behind him startling him out of his daze.

"Come with me Samuel, you may refer to me as agent Langley or ma'am." Agent Langley said firmly.

Samuel got up and followed her, but not to the bottom floor, they went higher and higher into the building until they were standing on the roof with a black helicopter. Agent Langley climbed on after lifting Samuel in. She fastened him in, then climbed up front next to the pilot, "Where to Viola?" Asked the pilot.

"Head quarters, if you'll excuse me, I have to let them know I have the package and we will be a arriving shortly."



Patient ZeroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora