Chapter 9

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Dr. Gothke was fiddling with his inventions in his lab when Agent Langley, Samuel, and Karen rushed in and all started speaking at once. He wasn't facing them and dropped the object he was messing with in his hands. He made flustered sounds as he turned around, "SHOOSH!" He said, they all shut up. "Look what you made me do! You know how long that took to make?!" He waved around the only remaining piece left in his hands at them. "Very long! Incase you were wondering!" He picked up the pieces and spread them out on the table. "Now, what was it that you were all rambling about?"

They all began at once.

"SHOOSH! Not all at once. Agent Langley, you may speak." Dr. Gothke said.

She smirk at Samuel and Karen who crossed their arms.

"We need your help Doctor. We have an idea on how to defend our land against the invaders."

"Hmm," Dr. Gothke said looking through a big magnifying glass. "So, what is this plan of yours?"

"Well-" Agent Langley was cut off.

"We want everyone to be like us!" Karen blurted out. She looked down at her shoes. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself."

"Impossible!" Dr. Gothke said. "After what almost happened to you Karen, no one in their right mind would volunteer! Preposterous!"

"Couldn't we test it?" Agent Langley asked.

"Take a sample of our blood and do tests on it!" Samuel suggested.

"No- well- ugh, fine. I'll do tests. But I can't guarantee anything." Dr. Gothke muttered.

"Yes!" Karen and Samuel said in unison.


Agent Langley, Karen, and Samuel were called back to Dr. Gothke's lab a week later. They emerged into his office to see him staring into a microscope. "Dr. Gothke?" Said agent Langley.

"Come in, come in." Dr. Gothke gestured for them to come closer.

He looked up at them. "It's remarkable."

"What is?" Karen asked trying to peek into the microscope.

"The cells dear, the cells. When they're not combined with anything, no medical substances or anything, they're not dangerous! But, when combined with them, the cells mutate even more than they already were mutated and they eventually explode, this is what makes them so deadly." Dr. Gothke explained.

"Have you tested it on anyone?" Agent Langley asked.

"I- I'm afraid not, no one will be the first to try it." Dr. Gothke said sadly.

There was a long silence.

Agent Langley finally broke the silence, "I know someone who will."

"Who?" Samuel asked.

"Me, I'll try it. I trust you Dr. Gothke." She said looking down.

"Are you sure?" Karen asked.

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Okay, well then, let's set up a bed for her here. Better keep this hush hush or someone might try and stop us." Dr. Gothke said.

They set up a bed and extracted some more blood from Samuel and injected it into Agent Langley's blood stream. After several hours of pain, she finally fell asleep.

Later that day when she woke up, Dr. Gothke did more tests and it was safe to say that it had worked. Her body was accepting the venom.

Several days had passed and Agent Langley got better by the day. They began taking volunteers and giving them the venom. Soon they had an army.

A few days after they had started taking in volunteers and the number of people with venom in them had grown drastically, Karen smiled at Samuel and said, "Wow Samuel, you're a regular patient zero."



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