Chapter 3

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Not happening

When I got up my face was full of sand my eyes full of tears and I knew that I couldn't find a way to get home, so I just walked back to him and stayed silent tears still falling down my face. His face looked really serious and I got scared, but at the same time, my brain thought that maybe just maybe if I said it was a prank he would forget about it. I literally felt my heart drop when he touched my head. He started to play with it and said "You were Joking...right?" I looked up and his face was filled with despair. He looked like he was about to cry so I responded "Yeah...It was just a joke.." I looked back at the sand, the waves still crashing on the shore, and held his hand. It was so cold, after a moment of silence I started to walk with him to the car. When we got in the car, he put in the keys and started to drive, it was a long silent ride back to my house, or so I thought usually when Lemon drives me home there's this turn that he takes so we were close to the turn and he missed it I was surprised and confused I thought for a second that he had forgotten about the turn because it was so dark, but I knew he couldn't forget that turn.

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