When The Interesting Part Starts

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Where we last left off:

Lumine took the artifact that was from her brother, Aether, and hid it. Then she ran over to the ruin guards...


Ayaka caught up with Lumine and used her elemental skill: Kamisato Art: Hyouka. Venti and Yoimiya shot from the high grounds and a far distance from the traveler and the Shirasagi Himegimi. Venti one-shotted one of the ruin guards, Ayaka and Lumine cooperated and kill the other one, lastly, Yoimiya took a few shots, then the last ruin guard fell on to its knees (technically mechanical joints, lmao). They cheered and Lumine pick the Chaos Devices and Chaos Cores.

"Let's go back to Mondstadt and grab our rewards !!'' Yoimiya shouted. The others laughed at the sight and walked back to Mondstadt.

Yoimiya challenged Venti to run back to Kat from Windrise. Venti of course accepted it and Skyward Sonnet'ed' to the clear blue sky, Yoimiya pouted and ran as fast as her legs could take. Ayaka giggled at the face that Yoimiya made as they are best friends due to the adventures they've been through.

"... Of course, you'll win, you flew up into the sky!" Yoimiya pouted

"Sorry... You didn't say I couldn't use elemental skills..." Venti smiled awkwardly as Yoimiya is fuming at the moment. Ayaka calmed her down and walked up to Kat and got 4 bags of primogems, each bag have 160 primogems as Kat is generous (Hope miHoYo/HoYoVerse does that, that way we'll be rich lmao)
After claiming their rewards, Ayaka said that she has to do something in Inazuma so she went home. As for Yoimiya, she asked the Knights of Favonius for permission to set off fireworks in Monstadt before the Windblume Festival ends, to which she successfully got the permission, so she also set off to Inazuma.
As for Venti, now that he's alone with our dearest Lumine, he got nervous, again...
"What's the wrong Venti? You seemed like you saw something scary." Lumine spoke as she patted his shoulder.
"Ahh- Yes-I mean no, no, nothing at all... Hehe, everything is alright, haha don't worry about me..." Venti nervously replied with his face as red as a tomato.



Hey guys!! Sorry for the late update!! I was having exams recently so... My apologies...


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