Dreams are warnings

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After some time of havoc disappearing willow took it upon herself to look deeper into the lurker, to see if what those cops were saying was true.

After a lot of flipping through books, reading articles, and reading old newspapers about the old tape shop, just as Willow was about to give up on looking she came across an old newspaper about a fire that happened at an old tape mall.

"Willow, did you find anything?" venti said as he scrolled through articles "yeah listen to this" "October 31, greenhouse tape shop burned down by teens," 

Just as Willow was about to keep reading she noticed a page was ripped out, but there was a picture of three teens being put in a cop car they all looked familiar but willow couldn't put her finger on who they were. 

"Umm excuse me but I need to close up"

"Alright we'll be leaving"

"Ma'am, can we take the newspapers?"

venti asked


After they got home they went through the newspapers until willow got a call from her job saying she had to come in early. Willow left and it was just venti in the house since peach was also at work, venti was flipping through the newspapers until he heard a door in the house close





venti got up and went downstairs only to see the basement door was cracked open venti looked around only to see peach doing the dishes, he let out a sigh. Venti walked down the steps and sat at the computer desk looking more into the greenhouse tape shop fire 

"I'm going in the basement for a sec" peach said


After an hour or two venti called peach





venti spun around in the chair only to be met with a man standing in the basement doorway with the head of peach in his left and a bloody knife in his right, he had a smile and his eyes, his eyes made venti fall out of the chair and puke

Venti fell on his side and the last thing he saw was a knife being put to his face and he passed out. Willow just got off of work and walked into the house.

She unlocked the door only to be met with ace barking at the basement door and venti on the floor with his shirt torn up and stab wounds on his side and stomach.

Willow dropped everything and ran to ventis, aid just as all of this was happing peach walked in 

"PEACH CALL 911!" willow yelled. Peach pulled out her phone and called the cops but all the yelling and crying got the neighbor's attention and they came over. 

After the cops and ambulance came they took venti to the hospital and took willow and peach in for questioning

"So what happened?"

"We don't know, we both just got off of work and we found venti there bleeding"

peach said.

"Well we looked into all of your backgrounds and found you had another friend who went missing, tell me about that friend"

"Well, what do you want to know?"

"What were they like, did they have anything to do with any gangs-"

Willow cut the officer off mid-way.

"Havoc would never have anything to do with any type of gangs they ain't never roll like that and even if they did I would know"

Willow said with confidence "Well how would you explain your friend going missing and then your other friend almost being killed?"

"Havoc went missing at a mall that they willingly went to, what kind of fucking gang invite's someone to a mall that person works at the mall and plus the cops said-"

Willow was soon cut off as her and peaches lawyers walked in "Don't say anything else"

"GLADLY," willow said standing up and opening the door. 

"Before you go, if you really wanted to know what happened to your friends you'd tell me what I need to know"

"I told you already havoc would never be in a gang, havocs stupid but not that stupid"

Willow turned and left.

"Hello?" Willow said as she picked up the phone.

"Hi, miss. Thomas, this is the officer from yesterday I have a few questions would you meet up with me?"


During the meet up willow brought up the strange dream she had.

"Well what I can tell you is the day havoc went missing I had a dream of havoc taking my car, leaving a note, and then they went to the mall... when I woke up my keys were gone and there was a note, the same note from my dream."

"I don't know how my dream is going to help-"

"Ma'am dreams are warnings"

Willow stood up and left, this was the end for willow but the cop had other plans

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