borderlands mordecai

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I look down at my drink giving it a small swish. Giving moxxi business makes me sick but personally shes always been good to me. My only problem with her being that I think mordecai still likes her.He generally keeps his distance from her stopped drinking for the most part and is snappy towards her but he still carries feelings for her. Well I think he does. Hes had other girlfriends but between tina and brick they don't last long. We talk alot mostly when it's just us. I love joking around with him makes even the worst day enjoyable.

I've been working with them since we got off the bus. But since the death of roland and lilith creating a light show for the entire planet. The team seems broken up. I mean I still work with brick, mordecai ,zero,and Tina. I'll work with the others if I have to we just dont click the same. Especially with flak trying to take my corrosive tyrant named rex.

Moxxi chuckles setting a drink in front of me. "Are you over here pouting again,sugar?" She teases.
I narrow my eyes at her. "As long as I'm paying why do you care?"
"Its a slow night honey,but I'm willing to bet if I had a certain someone looking presentable it'd draw some eyes." She says winking at me.
"My clothes are fine." I huff.
"Well for out in the dirt its fine,but your not fighting bandits in here. Why don't you let me get you something sexy. Then maybe you'll finally have someone between your legs."

I feel myself blush but hell I'm drunk enough to try it.
"Sure why not?" I huff she leads me to the back. She has me undress before pulling out a black and gold version of her dress.
"I've been dying to see you in this since I had it made. I was gonna have it hot pink but I already knew you wouldn't wear it." I slip it on over my head and moxxi tightens the corset on it. My entire red bra is exposed but it does make my tits really pop with the corset under them she ties a choker around my neck a little bird pendant on the front with little danglies.
She then makes me let my hair down and put on stalkings. That's when the dreaded black and gold heeled bots come in,and her classic porcelain white makeup with small accents of black and gold.

"Now go show off the goods. If I don't have at least thirty people looking for you tomorrow night your gonna owe me big time." She says giving me a wink. As soon as I step out into the bar I realize just how much of me is exposed. Men grab at my ass and giving me playful smacks. Leaving me to feel like a slut. She was right to say that this would draw more people in. They're basically getting a show.

By the time I make it to mordecais table my ass is sore. He doesn't even look at me at first treating me how he would moxxi. "They wouldn't be acting like that if brick was here." I huff. He looks over at me,and chokes on his drink. I pat his back until he settles down. "You might wanna slow down champ." I tease.
"Moxxi talk you into that. Ay yi yi." He says genuinely surprised.
My heart drops he doesn't like it.
"Yeah it was dumb. She was all like I'm bored go get laid so I have more customers."

"Dont you get laid being yourself,chica?" He asks turning to look at me. The golden feathers in his hair swishing.
"No." I say suddenly finding my nails way more interesting. I hold back tears completely embarrassed.
We sit in silence for a long moment.
"Like at all?" He suddenly asks.
I take a moment to think. "The first new heaven had a guy I kept having one night stands with. "
"That's like thirteen years ago." He laughs.
"Yep." I say awkwardly.
"Maybe its cuz your intimidating them off." He teases. "I mean I wouldn't fuck with you. Especially with rex around. One bite and I'd be gone."
I force a laugh out. "Yeah hes pretty mean looking."
"You doin okay?' He suddenly asks.
"Yeah I think I'm gonna go early." I say softly.
"Yeah me too." He says standing up. "To many moxxies running around." He chuckles. We head up front and pay our tabs. Before heading to b teams base. He continously teases me on the way back.

Brick and Tina give me weird looks when I walk in. "Uh why aren't you wearing your uniform!?" Tina shrieks.
"I'm actually gonna go change into it." I huff walking to my room. Where rex is already curled up asleep. I change out of the slutty outfit and clean my face deciding I really do like my hair down,but everything else had to go.

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