Love ?

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You have got a lot of love to share
That is what she thought of me
Yet to recieve it she did not dare
Scared to expose herself bare
Unable to find her unalert
Terrified to get potentionally hurt

Honestly, I am not entirely sure what is love
It has me confused, well, sort of
Not trying to make an excuse or to be rude
But I simply missed a part of my youth
Around you, I'm uncertain how to act
Writing this, I truly lack all subtle tact

Do I only love you because of my desire to be cherished?
If that were true all so called love would quickly be perished
You deserve so much more than that
A safe, warm and loving habitat
Not quite sure how to figure this out
Wishing nothing has to be left to doubt

I wish to love you for the right reasons
Throughout the hot and the cold seasons
To hold you in a warm embrace
No longer a distant, but a safe space
I too am afraid of the possible pain
But I don't want to miss out on the potential gain

Perhaps I should ask my mind to be more lazy
Because I am driving myself crazy
Planting the seed in an unstable soil
Wouldn't be very fruitful
While I'm trying to understand, my apologies for my audacity
But please allow me to call upon your tenacity

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