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Those words are the words what I've heard all my life ever since I was able to walk and talk. Its not my fault, I was born completely different from everyone else. With black curly hair that goes down my back, chocolate skintone, golden green and light brown eyes, 5'5 height, a curvy body and 15 years old is all me. Antansia Maria Jackson is me.

I'm a werewolf. My parents were the most caring people in the world.My dad, Ray, was the Beta of the SilverMoon Pack. My mom,Naomi Wright-Jackson was the pack doctor #1. Why number 1? Because she was the best pack doctor there ever was in the state of Georgia. I have two older siblings: J.J, whose 19, and Destiney, whose 19, also. They're not twins J.J was born 9 months before Destiney. We were a happy family. You could sense the love in the air miles away.

But, everything changed once our parents died four years ago.Guess whose fault it was? MINE!!!! I was the reason my parents were killed by a rogue. All the positive in the pack changed quicker than you can say, " oh my god". I still remember it like yesterday since that was the beginning of my nightmare.


13 year old Tansia was running through the woods with her mixed breed dog, Sammy playing fetch. She sits down next to a tree where her parents can see her. Sammy hops up and starts growling while staring at the woods. "What's wrong Sammy", She says looking at the woods. Suddenly a grey rogue jumps over the log and attachs its powerful jaws over Sammy's neck pulling out a chunk of his fur and flesh killing him instantly. Tansia screamed loudly "SAMMMYYYYYY" as her dog flops down on the grass creating a pool of his own blood surrounding his body. Tansia didn't hestitate and ran towards the pack house screaming help as the rogue chased her loving this game called prey and mouse. Naomi and Ray heard Tansia screaming and smelled the scent of the rogue and shifted into their brown and red wolves running towards their pup just as she was close enough.

The fight has begun. Both mates are trying to kill this rogue, but its too strong for the both of them. The rougue claws at the stomach of Naomi. Whimpering in pain caused her mate to get distracted. Not wasting anytime the rouge clamps its powerful jaws around Ray's neck. Trying to wiggle loose, the rogue closes down on his windpipe hard, as he stopped moving. The rogue dropped him near his mate as the both of them change back into their naked human form. Tansia finally snapped out of it as she ran to the spot her parents were laying. Tansia dropped on her knees crying while holding her parents hands. Naomi smiled sadly at her youngest daughter, she placed her hand on her cheek and shhed her. Whispering with tears in her eyes she said," Don't cry babygirl mommy and daddy love you. You have to be strong for us, ok. You are so special cupcake. Don't let no one tell you otherwise." Naomi popped off her locket and placed it in Tansia hand. Looking at Tansia in her eyes she whispers, " we love you baby...forever." as she took her last breathe. Tansia kissed her mom's forehead as she closed her eyes whispers," I love you too." She cried her little heart out that day as held her parents hands.

Footsteps came near them as she heard her brother' voice. " You killed them," J.J said. Looking up at him she said," N-No I didn't J.J y-you have to believe me...please". J.J stared hard at his little sister trying to decide if he could believe her. The both of them turned their head as they seen Destiney stomping her way through the crowd toward the site infront of her. Tears forming in her eyes,"DADDYYY" she screamed as she looked at her father. She wiped her eyes quickly and looked at Tansia shooting daggers at her. "YOU STUPID NIGGER BITCH", Destiney hollered as she slapped Tansia hard in her face. She got down to Tansia leave and whispered in her ear," you're going to suffer for this bullshit you pulled,". Standing up straight as she faced the pack. " Do see what she has caused. We have lost two very important people in our pack. She has killed our Beta and the pack doctor #1 don't you think she should be punished for her doings" A chorus of yeah and hell yeah were yelled as they all looked at Tansia. " Then let's punish her. Make her an outcast, the omega, the weakest link of the pack and also the pack's maid. Let her feel our angry. Whose with me?" Destiny yelled at the pack. Everyone agreed with Destiny seeing that Tansia was the main reason on why two of the most caring people in the world are dead. Tansia just sat there taking it all in. She was now an outcast, an omega and the pack's maid. She was now and forever more will become the nobody of the Silver Moon Pack.

Flashback over

The death of my parents changed everything in the pack. I was the nobody and the punching bag. The day my parents died I was all alone. I lost the two people who loved me for me. Now, that they're gone I have nobody until I meet my mate. Hopefully, he'll take me away from all this pain and suffering. That's if I'm alive and if he wants me too.

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