Chapter 2

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Tansia P.O.V 

Groaning softly as I held my head trying to ignore the fact everyone around me is laughing at my pain seeing as its pretty funny to them. I open my eye slowly to see Destiney laughing along with her barbies and her boyfriend, Elijah looking at me with disgust in his eyes as his arms wrapped around her waist. "Aww, does that hurt the little bitty baby...want mommy to kiss it" Destiney said taunting me knowing our parents are dead. I looked down at my lap feeling my eyes water. Someone yank my hair hard making me look up with tears rolling down my face.It was Elijah glaring at me,tugs my hair again,"Look up when my girl talking to you dumb fat bitch,man I feel sorry for whoever your mate is". "Bae,you don't want to touch her for too long,you're hand might turn black as shit like her"Destiney said looking at him with her hands on his chest smiling. Nodding his head like the lost puppy he was, he slammed my head again into the lockers chuckling. India growls in my head, "let me out let me kill this weak ass alpha and wanna be nicki mianj hoe". Shaking my head mentally at India, "India no, if they find out I have my wolf its going to make things worst, please I'm going to be alright" I chose off my mind link to my wolf before she evens say anything else...feeling the pain in my head increase I bite my bottom lip hard to hold in my screams of pain as I slowly get up to my feet holding my textbook to my chest. Destiney pushed me into the lockers,"why don't you do everyone a favor and just go kill yourself. You're not wanted here. Nobody loves you. Hell, your mate not going to want you once he sees how ugly and black as hell you are". Tears rolling down my face,as i take off running towards the doors ignoring everyone's taunting and laughs as I make it out of the building.

Running straight in the forest to my secret spot as my legs collapse falling into the dirt crying my soul out. My heart aching as I remember the words coming out of her mouth playing over and over in my head like a broken record looking up at the cloudy sky"Moon Goddess, why me? Why didn't you let me die instead of my mommy and daddy. I have nobody left. Please put me out of my misery" India whimpers softly in my head as she feels my pain. "Yes, you do. I'm here for you girl me and you fuck all them haters they mad because you just slim thick while they're toothpicks.Our time will come and when it do, they wont know what hit them...just to let you know. We're a lot stronger than they think with them peanut brains they have. Just a few more hours and you'll get to see for yourself". Smiling lightly to myself as I feel my wolf comforting me from the inside spreading her warmth through me. I pull out my books and study guide and start to work in pure quietness. Laughing here and there when India decides to make a joke about the people at school. 

Unknown P

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Unknown P.O.V

Shaking my head softly as I watch everyone bully sweet-ole Tansia.  They put her through hell and back because of what happened to her parents. I watch from the shadows as Destiney slam Tansia into the lockers the first time,then that pussy Elijah did it the second time just to please that hoe. Such a shame, you can see the hatred Destiney has for Tansia. Its quite pitiful actually. Jealous of her own little sister for what reason. Tsk Tsk Tsk. Anyway, only I know that India decided to make her appearance known to Tansia simply because I'm Tansia's guardian angel. I was sent from the moon goddess herself to keep a close eye on Tansia. And I refuse to let her down. Still watching in the shadows, I saw the tears rolling down Tansia's face. I felt sorry for her to be treated this unfairly. Listening to Destiney say those hateful things to her,"why don't you do everyone a favor and just go kill yourself. You're not wanted here. Nobody loves you. Hell, your mate not going to want you once he sees how ugly and black as hell you are". They don't know what type of hell is coming their way for all the bull they put her through.  I was already out when I saw Tansia run off to her place. I just watched her in the distance keeping my scent masked as I watch her break down more so. A lovely girl put through hell and back. I will always keep and eye on her. Because SHE IS THE MOON GODDESS DAUGHTER. THE TIME HAS COME TO REVEAL HERSELF TO ALL THEM MOTHERFUCKERS. Just you wait.

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