Chapter 3

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Tansia POV

Being in my secret place always calm me down. The sounds of nature, birds chirpping, bees buzzing and the smell of the flowers blooming around me always bring a smile on my face evn if the day was horrible. Time went by so fast that I never noticed how that the sun was setting behind me. I cursed lowly forgetting the fact I have to fix dinner tonight. Packing up my books into my bag as I slowly stand up feeling the pounding in my head I slightly growls softly. India whimpers lightly,"my human still hurt, Im sorry I tried to take as much of the pain away as i could." I sighs softly "its ok India, I'll just sleep it off when I get to the room so stop stressing yourself but we need to hurry up and get to the pack house." "let me take over"India insisted. I stopped walking to think slowly nods my head "ok but you have to give me back full control once we get inside the pack house deal india"  India rolled her eyes at me mumbles lowly"yea yea now just relax for me and let me take over." Closing my eyes, I felt India push forward pushing me to the back of my mind as I watched.

India POV
Growls lowly throwing my head back as I howl loudly letting my mother know I'm in charge for a moment as I took off running to this weak excuse of a pack who abused my human. Within mintues I reached the door, I smelt the most amazing smell of allspice and pine making me moan softly. Tansia started talking to me once I walked inside,"India what are you doing youre suppose to give me full control remember" "I can't at the moment, I think our mate is in the pack" I told my human. She sighs softly,"India my birthday is in a couple of hours can we please do this after I shift...please" Rolls my eyes lightly sighs mumbling "fine"relaxing softly as I felt Tansia push me to the back of her mind.

Tansia POV
Runnimng toward the kitchen and sighs softly in happiness seeing nobody in here. Throws the apron over me and starts to cook up some food quickly whipping up some mustard greens, mashed potatoes,cornbread and fried chicken. Watching the other cooks coming in setting the table as I finished the last batch of fried chicken and corn bread placing them on the table in the center. Looking at the food feeling like i missed somthing, I curse lightly forgetting the salad for Destiney and her little hoes. Runs back into the kitchen starts to make there salads as I hear the pack coming in making noise as they do. Stops what I'm doing and slowly starts to count down from five.5...4...3...2...1... "Ahh, what the hell is this. Where is my salad" picks up the bowl of salad tray and walks back inside the dining room and places it in front of Destiney and her little fake ass hoes. "Here's your salad sorry for the wait". Goes and stands in my place as I watch them tear the food up, not once complimenting me for cooking it. Destiney took a bite out of her salad and spit it out glaring at me. I raise my eyebrow confused on what's her problem now. India started talking to me again "damn what crawled up her ass and died.No wonder she don't have no ass" I bit my bottom lip trying to hold in my laughter. I heard a chair scrape against the floor and Destiney stomp towards me and slaps me hard making me fall to the ground holding my cheek looks up at her. "I know you heard me calling your name you dumb fat bitch, you fucked up my salad you ugly retarded bitch" Destiney yelled at me drawing attention to me. I looked away from her seeing J.J looking at her then me shaking his head and goes back to eating. Destiney kicks me in the stomach hard sending me flying slightly towards the wall. As I lay there holding my stomach in pain tears welled in my eyes, India found a way through our link and pushed me to the back as she growled loudly at Destiney with her blood red eyes. "Don't you dare touch my human or I will rip those cheap ass extensions out your bloated head of yours". I watched from within as Destiney backed away with fear in her eyes running to her boyfriend. India smirked at everyone folding her arms standing up looking around,"why the scared faces I'm going to kill you assholes yet for causing pain on my human...not yet that is.but I advise you to watch your backs" The Alpha looked at me well India with fear in his eyes as he tried to be tough " why should we watch our backs low life mutt" She smirked at him running towards him in full speed as she holds him up by the neck on the wall smiling,"sweetie I could snap your neck in a heartbeat don't push your lucky with me...just keep this in mind preparatevi per I'inferno" She dropped him slowly backing away as she walked toward Destiney looks at the necklace around her neck our mom gave to me and ripped it off her glares growls at her as we walking away. Slowly pushing forward as my eyes turn back to brown but with a red ring around them as I look at J.J to see him smiling at me with pride in his eyes. Smiling lightly I walk towards my room and locks the door. "Tansia what was that" "Human there's alot of things you don't know about us honey now go lay down and sleep you going to need the energy tomorrow" and she disappeared to the back of my mind as I layed down on my "bed" amazed at my wolf, India glazing at the stars slowly falling asleep as the darkness consumed me.

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