Chapter 5

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*Tansia P.O.V*

Everyone was kneeling before me. I still can't believe it...I'm the Moon Goddess daughter, I knew I was different just didn't expect to be this different. The power that's rushing through me, gives me a warm loving feeling as if someone is giving me a hug. Quickly mind linked my wolf "India, are you hugging me" India laughs lightly but shakes her wolf head at me "Nope, that's not me my innocent human, our mom is giving us a hug. I think she's excited." I shake my head at her as I look around at everyone. "psssh, J.J you can get up now?" J.J looked at me and smiled standing, then looks around. "Are you going to tell everyone else to stand also".

Snapping out of my daze, nodding my head as I look around seeing that everyone is still kneeling. "um, you can all rise now!!!" One by one, everyone rose up to their feet and stared at me. Whispers are heard left and right as J.J and I started walking away from the noisy pack members. I looked at J.J, "I thought you hated me, J." J.J stopped and looked at me shakes his head as he let out a deep breath. He started walking towards me, out of reflexes I moved back, India growled at him harshly. "Woah, woah calm down.... relax I'm not going to hurt you", J.J put his hands out cautionally as he takes slow steps towards me.

"I don't hate you, Sia. I just kept my distance; I know I shouldn't have locked you out and left you all alone, but I was trying to grief differently. I have been paying attention towards now, they've been treating you. And I am sorry, I didn't step up sooner to help you. Mom and Dad would be very disappointed in me." Tears rolled down J.J face as he stared at me then looked down at his Jordan. "He's sorry, even his wolf is apologizing for his behavior...I'm still keeping an eye out on him you know just in case" "India, he's still my brother, we were pretty close...I guess I can give him another chance to redeem himself." "Its up to you honestly, I'm not going nowhere as you can see boo. Ya STUCK WITH ME GIRLLLLLL" laughs lightly rolling my eyes, I close the link and look at J.J walk towards him slowly wrapping my arms around his waist. "its ok, J.J I forgive you"

I feel J.J tighten his arms around me hugging me back tightly then we both pull away chuckling. "aww J you cry like a bitch" "I know you not talking, you was crying like a hyena on crack" Playfully nudge J as we walk towards the house. As soon as I step inside the house, I'm hit with the most delicious smell ever. It was all-spice mixed with pine, I started sniffling around, turned to look at J.J "do you smell that?" J.J looked at me confused, shaking his head. I can feel India started jumping around happily purring. "Mate is here. FIND MATE." Slowly following the scent with J.J trailing behind me, I walked up the stairs until I reached a closed door. The scent was drawing me in, making my mouth water. "Push it open." Taking a deep breath, I pushed the door open, what I saw only confirmed my nightmare...and my heartache. My mate was Elijah...and him and my sister were "fucking like rabbits". India pushed herself forward, all I could do was sit in the shallows and watch what unfolds. 

*India POV*

Pain, that's all I felt as I watch my mate have sex with this weakling. I mean actually look at her, she doesn't even have a good looking body compare to mines. I mean come on, dark chocolate is good for the soul *wink wink* Any who, back to the real matter. I growl deeply, feeling my hair lit on fire as I stare at the pair scramble away from each other. Destiney, glares at me with hatred in her eyes. "GET OUT FAT ASS, nobody wants you in here. Isn't that right babe" Elijah just stares at us; his eyes turn from brown to gold slowly back to brown as he looks at me with disgust on his face. I can feel my heart clench a little bit, but I have to stand strong. Elijah climbs out the bed in all his naked glory, I fought the urge to look at his slightly sculpted body. His eyes turn gold, letting me know TJ was in control.

He lightly cups my cheek; I start to lean into his hand feeling sparks run through my body. "Mine" I open up my eyes, only to see my mate eyes slowly dims and changes back to brown. Elijah looked at me with a sinister smirk, "You're not my mate. I don't date dark-skin girls. You look like a good fuck doe. But I, Elijah reject you, Tansia as my mate and Luna of the Silver Moon Pack." I felt my heart break as Destiney climbs out the bed and kisses him in front of me, I whimpered lightly. "I-I accept your rejection..." Backing away slowly as I make it to the hallway, my ears picks up his next words that breaks me even more

 "I declare Destiney as my mate and Luna of the Silver Moon Pack." Shaking my head as I held my head high seeing everyone in the hall looking at me with sympathy in their eyes. I straighten up my posture and give out a loud howl feeling the house shake. I am the Moon Goddess Daughter. If this mate does not want me, his lost. At least its only my human and her brother. I see my human's brother J.J meets me halfway as I walk towards my human "room" with bags packed. His eyes change to midnight blue, letting me know Takko, my guardian is here "India, its time" as he smirks sinisterly at me. Nodding my head, we walk towards the door and set our plans to leave this worthless piece of territory.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2019 ⏰

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