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Tyler Dream, the black cat in a red suit jacket worn over a black undershirt, and red suit pants, sat in his University of Aster City psychology class. Tyler's left paw held his head. Outside, the sun shone brightly. Clouds sailed by, white and high in the sky, stretching across the sky from the north to the south. Tyler was sick of university. University was boring. University was a waste of time. Tyler was sick of university. It wasn't because Tyler wasn't intelligent, he was top of his class. He was bored.

Tyler looked out the window, a blue horse man was walking by, he had black hair but a receding hairline and wore all grey. The man didn't notice Tyler. Tyler saw the man drop a black book on the ground, the man kept going. Tyler just stared at the book from the window with his green eyes and his mouth slightly open.

After class, Tyler picked up the book, read the title, it read, 'How-To Supervillan'

Tyler reads the first page before putting the book in his book bag, thinking to himself, "There must be something wrong with me." There was nothing wrong with Tyler, he was simply bored.

Tyler walked home. When he arrived, his mom greeted him at the door. Tyler sat down at the table.

"I'm making a sandwich for you, Tyler," Mrs. Dream said.

"Oh thanks mom. I haven't eaten all day," Tyler said.

Tyler had always been a skinny boy but it wasn't normal to go a day without eating.

Mrs. Dream served the sandwich, Tyler ate the sandwich, then said, "Thank you, mom."

Tyler went upstairs to his bedroom with his book bag. He opened the book bag, and took a peek inside. Inside the book bag was the book. Tyler took out the book and read the book title again.

'How-To Supervillan'

Tyler read the book, though the book was meant as a guidebook, the first chapter was about developing your supervillain identity through a costume. Tyler read the chapter, and thought to himself, "Why am I just reading this?" Tyler put the book away, he felt like a different person. 

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