Ending 1

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Ending 1: Statute of Limitations Ending

On March 6th, 2021, a letter arrives at another Aster City confectionary company Maple Candy located in Willow. A copy of Toffee Jones' voice on cassette, accompanied the letter.

'Dear, you were waiting for a letter from us weren't you Sugary Saccharine Company sure suffered a ton, didn't they? I'm so close to fulfilling my dreams, you guys need to pay up too. It's unfair for me to only take money from big companies and none from the smaller ones. Since you've got a smaller company, I'll decrease your feet of fifty million dollars. Those amateur guys that tried to copy us got caught. I think they should just put these kinds of idiots on death row. We won't get caught. It's already been a year and we're stronger than the police. Once we send a letter to the people of the media, none of your products are going to sell. Doesn't matter if we put hydrochloric acid or potassium cyanide in your products. The big grocery stores do exactly what we tell them to do. People think that smaller stores are gross so they won't buy anything there. That's what society is. Isn't that awful? If you feel like giving us money we will call Willow's house at 073-662-3901 at 5:00PM on March 7th Thursday. Make sure that Willow answers. Once you hear the music to the news station, answers saying "It's Willow from Maple Candy Company, can I take your order?" At 7PM on the 8th of March have someone who is familiar with the roads and a general affairs employee wait in a restaurant called The Grape. The car should be a white Corolla, and both of them should be wearing golfing attire. Put a total of ten million dollars using old bills in a black leather bag. Do not use new bills. Have the maps for the city ready. You're being watched from the beginning until the end. Start moving as soon as you see the letter. Drive at sixty kilometers per hour on the route, eighty-five kilometers per hour on the highway, and five kilometers above the speed limit on normal roads. The police are tapping your phone at the company so be careful. I'll attach a little bit of potassium cyanide. We've got tons. Give Toffee's tape a listen as well. I'm sure you don't want to end up like that. I'll contact you again if I'm unable to. Don't notify the police. I will call Willow's house at 7PM on the 8th then Willow should call The Grape.'

The letter was postmarked the day prior at 5:06PM on March 7th as promised, the monster contacted the Willow home of the Maple Candy Company General Manager. The phone rang out but stopped after three times before it could be answered. No other calls came in. The next day on March 8th, Maple Candy shop, a letter arrives.

'Dear, I was going to make you guys give us some money too but these days the police are stupid and dumb and in the way. So I can't do that. They're more persistent than us. If they try to look us up when we call you we'll burden you as well. We'll postpone the deal on the 8th. Have the money and wait for like six months. By then the police should stop following us. You know what's going to happen if you tell the police. We're stronger than the police. - Hydra with Many Faces'

The letter was postmarked the day prior. After that, the monster did not contact Maple Candy Company again.

Read in full, an article published on March 16th, reads, 'Headline: Follow-up on the news, candy threat.

Toffee Jones was taking a bath at his home in central Aster City when three intruders kidnapped him a year ago this week. The event triggered a string of further deeds that became known as The Great Aster City Candy Caper. Mr. Jones, head of Toffee Jones' Candy Company, the leading candy maker. Escaped unharmed three days later, but his abductors were not to be denied. They burned Jones' Candy Company buildings, threatened to put cyanide-laced Jones' Candy Company candies in stores unless the company paid a billion dollars, and taunted the police in their extortion notes. No poison was found and no money paid, and by June, Mr. Jones' tormentors said they were bored and would leave him alone. In October they returned to harass another candy maker Sugary Saccharine Company, this time with real cyanide-laced candy in stores the culprit used a catchy name, Mystery Man with Many Faces. Soon they, or copycats, were threatening other companies. Thirty-one food and candy concerns in the Aster City, Darkwoods, and other big cities have been harassed to date. And one company, unidentified by authorities, is still receiving extortion letters. As far as is known, no company has paid a single dollar and no unwitting consumer has swallowed poison. But Jones' Candy Company and Sugary Saccharine Company report heavy sales losses. The Ministry of Agriculture says state sweets consumption is off ten percent. Suppliers of sugar and flour are taking a beating and public confidence in the police has been shaken. We expect it may take at least three years to recover says, the executive director of the Aster City Confectionary Association.'

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