You're being watched

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November 14th, House Foods headquarters in Darkwoods prepares one hundred million dollars, divided into two white bags. The money is loaded into a white van and driven to the National Route One restaurant in Kanine City at 6:10PM. Arriving at 6:53PM, an investigator posing as a House Foods General Affairs employee, sits and waits in the van as instructed. Another undercover investigator waits within the restaurant waiting at House Foods branch for a phone call at 7:30PM to relay to the general manager. At 8:21PM, a House Foods branch received a phone call. The investigator answered to the instructions of the monster, this time, however, voiced by what seemed to be a male child. The boy's voice repeated four times, "Look at the back of the bench at the bus stop." At 8:31PM, the white cash carrying van departed the restaurant for the bus stop after receiving the instructions. Arriving at the bus stop in Kanine City at 8:38PM, an investigator found the note one minute later at 8:39PM on a bench.

'You're being watched. Enter the highway through the Kanine City south interchange. Drive eighty-five kilometers per hour towards N City. Stop where the circle is in the diagram by the handicapped parking spot at the service area. I've put a letter on the back side of a map signboard where the X is. Once you see it, do what it says.'

On the diagram provided by the monster, locations listed where the resting area, bathrooms, handicap parking spot, service area, and map signboard. Right away, the cash delivery van headed for the service area. The cash transport vehicle arrived at service area in Slaughter at 8:56PM and found the next instruction at 8:58PM. It was a note and map in a brown envelope stuck to the back side of a highway guide map board with double-sided tape.

'Once you see this note, start moving quickly drive eighty-five kilometers per hour to the parking area in the driving lane. Have one person keep a lookout so you don't miss the sign for the parking area. I've put a letter on the back of a bench where the circle is in the diagram of the parking area. Do as it says.'

On the diagram provided by the monster, locations listed where the bathrooms, parking area, shops, phone booth, and benches. While still at the service area, a Kanine City investigator watching over the cash delivery van noticed a man who appeared to be watching the investigators, standing in the public phone booth located next to the service area restaurant. The man wore a dark-colored windbreaker suit with a dark golf cap pulled low over short orange permed head fur. He also wore light brown tinted sunglasses through which he appeared to stare at the cash delivery van while holding the receiver of the phone to his ear with his right hand. The investigator got the attention of another and both began approaching the man from about a meter and a half away. The man hung up the receiver and began walking away from the phone booth. The Kanine City investigators working within the operation under the command of Darkwoods police radioed in the sighting of the suspicious man to Darkwoods command asking permission to detain and question him. The investigators were told that the transport of the cash delivery van, until the apprehension of a criminal attempting to take the money from the van itself, was the primary objective and that the suspicious man was not a priority at the time. The man quickly got away from the parking lot through the pedestrian passage beside the guideboard on which the instruction note was placed. He descended a flight of concrete steps to the general road and vanished from sight of the investigators who were unfamiliar with the geography. The Kanine City investigators returned to their post. An additional investigator on duty at the service area at the time, while standing behind a tree, saw the man and the short chase that ensued. This investigator was one of those who lost sight of the fox man in Kanine City station on June 28th and was positive that the man he saw chased from the phone booth on this day was the same person The investigator attempted to take photos with a concealed camera, however, due to its limitations, the camera was in the wrong direction and only took photos of the ground. Additionally, another investigator saw a suspicious white Nissan Skyline speed away from the area where the fox man disappeared. The investigator only got a partial license plate reading of 89. The operation along with the cash delivery van departed the service area headed for the parking area arriving at 9:20PM. Another note was discovered one minute later at 9:21PM.

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