Supervillain Outfit

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Tyler walked to the University of Aster City past a clothing store called Lézard before stopping. Tyler walked inside the store. It had cute girls' clothes and serious men's clothes. Tyler looked at himself in the mirror, he didn't like what he saw. "I'll have this," Tyler said to himself, pointing at a red religious robe, "and this." Tyler pointed at some sunglasses.

Tyler took the robe and sunglasses to the counter before paying for them quickly. Tyler put the clothing in his book bag, left the clothing store, and headed to the University of Aster City.

Tyler arrived at the psychology building. Inside the building was a cafeteria. "Hello," the cashier lady said, "what would you like today?"

"A breakfast burger," Tyler said in his soft-spoken voice with a smile.

"Sure thing," The cashier lady said then handed Tyler the food. Tyler paid for the breakfast burger. Tyler took the burger and sat at a table by himself far from others. Tyler ate the breakfast burger slowly, it tasted good, but a little on the dry side.

Tyler looked around the cafeteria, no one was looking at him, he finished eating and then went to class.

After class, Tyler went to the library. Tyler took his book bag out and looked inside, seeing the religious robe. Tyler looked through the library books, he found one on religious cults and one on Satanism.

Tyler took the books and put them in his bag after checking them out. Tyler went back to his house to read them.

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