Do not show this to the police

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April 2nd, an anniversary ceremony is taking place at Jones' Candy Company headquarters in Darkwoods, meanwhile at 2:30PM in Aster City, a large envelope arrives in the mail at the Jones residence. Its contents: A Sony micro cassette containing Toffee Jones's second recorded message, a bottle of eye drops full of hydrochloric acid, and a letter reading, 'I've put some hydrochloric acid in the tube of eye drops. Put some on a ten cent coin. It'll melt really quickly. Dear Toffee, do not show this to the police. How dare you break our promise and run away from us? I told you that if you run away or disobey us we'll kill both you and your oldest daughter. My people are really mad at you. Some people are telling me to kill your daughter as promised. There are also people telling me to abduct you again and wash your face with some hydrochloric acid. There are also people telling me to just blow up your entire house with some dynamite. There are also people telling me to abduct your wife, use her like a toy and kill her. There are also people telling me to shoot a bullet into your house. There are people who want me to spread potassium cyanide all over the schools. All the others are pretty mad too. I'm the only one that's stopping my people from acting on these things. I'm giving you one more chance. If you betray us again, six of you are only living until you're killed by us. You should start making arrangements for your grave. We will never be caught by the police. We are aware of exactly what the police are doing. What's more important? Your life or money? If you enjoy living more, prepare the money. If you want to die, contact the police. I took five polaroids of you in the cottage, there are some embarrassing naked pictures of you too. I'm sure focus would buy that for five million dollars. I'm sure the tape I sent along with this would sell for a high price as well. Combining the fee for the picture and the tape is going to be ten million dollars per person in your family. So for six people it's going to be sixty million dollars. Prepare by putting ten million dollars in each cloth bag at 7PM on the 8th of April, I'll call the number at your house. Have your driver hold the money and make him wait at the café north called Mommy. Have a white Corolla filled with gas waiting right outside of Mommy. Once I call your house, call your driver at Mommy. If your driver can't come, have someone from the president's office come. You can only talk about this to Candy and your mother. Randy is irrelevant. He will tell the police and if that's the case the six of you have less than a year to live. I'll forgive the six of you once I get the money. I will never do anything to you again. If you're going to give us the money, put the following job posting on the 5th or 7th of April. 


Blonde models. Females under the age of twenty. Over twenty dollars per hour. Contact Jones' Candy Company Personnel Department. 

If there are any mishaps in the process of getting the money to us, put the same ad out on Sunday the 15th.'

The envelope was postmarked by the post office on the same day, with the red express delivery stamp applied. This stamp was only sold in three towns. President Jones did not comply with the criminal's request to print the job posting in the newspaper. Still though, Aster City and Darkwoods police move forward with the plans to meet for a money handoff at 7PM on the 8th of April. The coffee shop Mommy is located only three hundred and fifty-eight meters north of the Jones residence. The shop is on the first floor of a three-story building facing the main street of an area under heavy investigation. At 6:40PM, Jones' personal driver arrived at the coffee shop with the money as instructed. However, as night falls, no suspicious activity was noted, and the operation was called off around 9PM.

'To police fools, are you stupid? There's so many of you? What on Earth are you doing? If you are real pros try catching me. There's too much of a handicap so I'll give you a hint. There's no fellows in the Jones' relatives, there are no fellows in the police, there's no fellows in the warehouse management. Car I used his gray. If you want new info, beg for it in the newspaper. After telling you all this, you should be able to catch me. If you don't you are tax thieves. Shall I kidnap the head director of the city police?'

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