Untitled Part 1

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A/N This is probably my darkest fic yet. And that is considering the fic where I wrote Hajime's head gets cut off and Nagito sees it :p

Anyway hope yall enjoy :D

Hajime walked into his apartment slamming the door behind him. He threw his stuff on the floor and flopped on his bed. Today has been a long day. He went to work like he normally did as a waiter but for some reason, it was like almost all the people, he served had something against him. There was one family that had an obnoxious kid that pushed everything off the table, and everything came crashing down. When Hajime went to go clean it up the parents yelled at him like it was his fault! It took all his willpower to not just give them a piece of his mind. He couldn't afford to lose his job after all. He sat up and looked at his alarm clock. 6:45 pm. He had some time to go out. Might as well do something to take his mind off the miserable day at work. But where to go? He hauled himself out of bed and walked across the room to sit at his desk. He moved aside some papers and books and pulled out his laptop. Time to look up things to do.

A quick search yielded 3 results Hajime was interested in. Not quite sure which one to choose he decided to look at the reviews. The first place was a fancy music place that had 5 stars and the reviews were showering the place with praise. He clicked the link to their website to see if he needed anything. His eyes widened at the entrance price.

"Nope too rich for my blood" Hajime mumbled clicking out.

The next place was a pool hall. Hajime didn't really play much pool, but he was willing to do anything to unwind. But the reviews were quick to deter Hajime. It had only 1 star and a lot of the reviews said that it was in a bad area with lots of shady people. Hajime didn't feel like getting kidnapped, so he exited out of that tab too.

The last place was a bar. It only had 3 stars and all the reviews said that it was average. Hajime having little choice decided to go to the bar.

When Hajime arrived at the bar, he found that the reviews were spot on. The place was decent at best. The atmosphere and people were quiet. The food was alright maybe a bit too greasy. But it was exactly what Hajime needed. The quiet helped eased Hajime's mind a little. In fact, it was so peaceful that it made Hajime's eye droop a little. A little more time and his world faded to black.

Hajime jolted awake quickly looking at his surroundings How long was I asleep for? What time is it? He noticed that there were no clocks on the wall to tell him. He glanced around the bar noting that it was empty. Or almost empty. There was one person in the back sipping his drink. Maybe I can ask him the time?

Hajime stood up from his chair and walked over to the man. He wore a bright yellow jumpsuit and a grey beanie. The beanie covered his neon pink hair that was the same shade of pink as his eyes.

"Hey sorry to bug you but do you know the time?"

The man glanced at him and gave him a toothy smile revealing shark-like teeth.

"Sure man, it's around 1:45 am last time I check. Place is about to close."

"Oh, wow I really last track of time,"

"I feel ya. I was about to leave myself. Just waiting for a friend."

Before Hajime could wonder about this friend a man walked out of the bathroom. He was quite tall and on the lean side. He had fluffy white hair that reminded Hajime of a cotton ball. He had on black jeans with a white shirt with a weird symbol on it. The look was completed with a forest green jacket.

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