Untitled Part 6

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A/N Heyo last chapter :D sorry for it being shit it's just that this one is dialogue-heavy and I can't write that for shit :p Plus Nagito is hard to write in general hope yall enjoy it anyway



Hajime slowly woke up from his dreamless state. He has been plagued with nightmares all night slideshows of Kazuichi and the dead women were keeping him up. Only recently he was able to finally rest but of course, Nagito had to wake him up.

Nagito seemed to be somber this morning. He had a faraway look in his eye like he was deep in thought. He ditched the jacket. Only having a shirt on, his arms were on full display revealing numerous amounts of scars. Was it even possible to have that many scars? How did he even get them? Nagito not seeming to have noticed the staring said something to break the tense silence.

"I thought it was going to be easy. I've never... I mean not really..."

Hajime was confused what was he trying to say?

"Killed someone" Nagito finally got out. "Not before Kazuichi. I thought I could get over it but when I was trying to sleep all I could see was..."

He didn't need to finish the sentence for Hajime to understand what he was trying to get at. But Hajime knew that wasn't true. The evidence was downstairs. What he was trying to play at.

"What about that woman in the freezer then?"

Nagito gave a surprised yelp the color drained from his face. Or what little color he had he was quite pale. "H-how did you...?"

"... I went into the basement while you were gone. And I saw... you know."

Nagito seemed flustered and confused.

"I didn't kill her I swear! She died... by herself."

A vivid image came to Hajime's head of the woman. Her arm was cut off the large cut on her chest.

"She couldn't have done that to herself." He pressed.

Nagito for once during the whole time Hajime as known him was lost for words. A few moments of silence passed as Nagito gained his bearings.

"It was... well she brought another... she called them her subjects. She would trick people and bring them home and... do things to them. But one of her subjects got ahold of a knife and...." He drew a line across his neck. "They both died." Nagito finished. Tears were pouring out of his eyes. Nagito was crying. For some reason, this surprised Hajime. The very same person that urged him to kill was standing in front of him weak and vulnerable. But it just wasn't adding up. They both died?

"Did she hurt them?"

Stupid question of course she did.

But the question seemed to throw Nagito off guard.

"Well... she loved to see people in their darkest moments. She said that a person's true personality showed when they are face to face with despair. At least that is what she told her subjects though to be honest I know she just did it for fun."

He remembered the stains and the tools on the basement and shuddered thinking about what she could have possibly done.

"She sounds like a psychopath."

Nagito stiffened at that. "She was true despair. The ultimate despair if you will. She was truly a horrid being. But... why does it hurt when I think about her?"

Hajime stood there stunned at all that Nagito was confessing.

"She was the only one that cared for me and-"

"It looks like she only hurt you." Hajime interrupted gesturing to his arms. Nagito wrapped his arms behind his back trying to hide them.

"She loved me... no one has ever had before. Even if she caused so much despair. She was my hope. She gave me exactly what I deserved and treated me the way I should be treated." Nagito's shoulders slumped over making him appear a lot smaller. "Now that she's gone who else could possibly be my hope? Why... why did I?"

"What did you do?" He asked cautiously. He would have to carefully word his sentences from here. He was mentally unstable right now.

"That's the point. I didn't do anything."

Hajime gave him a questioning look. What did he mean nothing?

"I... didn't do anything. She told me to help her. But I didn't. I could only think of the despair she caused and that glued my feet to the ground. WHY DIDN'T I DO ANYTHING? WHY DIDN'T I HELP!?"

"You don't need her."

"What?" Nagito looked completely bewildered. Like he never even considered the thought.

"You never needed her."

"Of course, I did... I was nothing before her and I am nothing after. I have no family or friends it was just her."

"That's wrong," Hajime stated.


"You're alive now, right?"


"But alive, nonetheless. You did this without her you lived before her, and you lived after her. You don't need her. And you don't need me."


"You've been through pain, but you don't know what tomorrow's going to bring. So why not wait and find out?"

"I... I just don't want any more pain. I'm scared."

"That's fine. The future can be scary, but it can be fun too! You only have one chance at this Nagito use it for all its worth."

Nagito's tears have finally run dry as he seemed to process his words. His hand slowly reached to his pocket and pulled out a familiar small remote. Hajime's eyes widened and tensed his body but instead of a shock, he heard a small click. The collar popped open and fell to the floor like a dead weight.

"Please... just go. You are much too kind to trash like me. You deserve better." Nagito looked so tired like he could just collapse any moment and not get up again. For some reason that scared Hajime. It wasn't Nagito's fault he is like this. He is just as much of a victim as Hajime was. He didn't want to leave him alone. He reached for the pen and paper on the coffee table and scribbled something down.

"I am going to leave but please call me if you need anything." He handed the paper to Nagito "Let's try this again. The proper way. So, I can be your friend... for real. Call me when you have time, and I will see if we can do something fun together. Something we both like. Okay?"

Nagito clenched the paper like it was the most valuable thing he has ever received. He nodded silently and smiled wide, but it wasn't a fake or an insane smile. It was a real genuine smile. Hajime couldn't help but return it. Nagito left the room and came back with a bag that had the stuff Hajime came with. Like his keys, wallet, and phone. He then waved Hajime over and led him out the front door. Sunlight Hajime hasn't seen for says flooded in. He took his first step out and breathed in the fresh air. He walked out and headed for the sidewalk. Nagito stood at the porch waving goodbye to Hajime and he waved back. He then turned around continuing walking. To his apartment. Hajime never thought he would be so happy to return to his shabby little place.

He didn't know what the future held. But he was willing to find out. He had survived and he helped Nagito. Before rounding the corner, he turned around one more time and saw Nagito tapping on his phone piece of paper right next to him his face calm, serene, and happy. It was a nice sight to see.

A/N Thanks for reading hoped yall like it. Now got to focus on my math homework. Until next time have a nice day :D

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