Untitled Part 3

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A/N Heyo got bored during school and wrote this. Its short hope ya don't mind :D

Hajime woke up confused for a slight second before he remembered what happened. He flung himself out of bed and walked to the door. He pressed his ear against the door and heard nothing. It was completely silent. Did Nagito leave? His hand reached for the doorknob and with a twist, the door opened easily. He stuck his head out the door and looked around. He half expected Nagito to pop out of nowhere but nothing. Hajime then tip-toed out of the room and down the stairs. There was the living room he was chained before. Still no sign of Nagito. He gave the house a quick search. He found that the stairs leading to the 2nd floor had a door underneath it. Strange. Hajime glanced at what he assumed was the hallway to the front door. Could he? He would be crazy to not try it. He attentively walked down the hall. He dared hope the closer he got to the front door. But right when he placed his hand on the front door a shirl BEEP came from his collar. He flinched harshly and stepped back. Of course, he programmed the collar to not let me leave. Hajime yelled punched in the wall in frustration. Doesn't matter. Just one small setback. I guess I will have to find something else. I can go explore that weird door under the stairs.

When he got to the door, he noticed how out of place the door seemed. Not necessarily the door itself but the knob. It looked like heavy-duty like it was there to prevent something from getting out. He twisted it and with a few clicks, it opened. It's heavy! Hajime pushed against the door and it swung open.

The hell?

Hajime felt along the wall and found the light switch he flipped it and the light revealed stairs leading down to a dark basement. Ignoring the nervousness, he felt he descended down the stairs. The stairs groaned and creaked under his weight. A strange smell hit his nose and the lower he went the stronger the smell became. It smelled musty... and coppery? When he reached the last step, he looked around the room. The basement was a lot different than the house. While the house looked new and modern the basement looked old and worn. And there were so many stains... he didn't want to think about where those could have possibly come from. He explored the workshop table first. There were many tools that seemed to gleam with malice. He picked one up out of curiosity. It appeared to be a drill but it was modified Hajime looked more closely at it and saw red droplets? Hajime's eyes widened in realization and dropped the drill like it was acid. It took all of Hajime's might to not throw up. He screwed his eyes shut and quickly walked away. He was going to leave the basement all together when he finally noticed a strange hum. He looked in the direction the sound came from and saw one small fridge and one large freezer. His heart froze when he studied the freezer. More stains. Every single part of Hajime's body was telling him to just leave the freezer and go back upstairs before Nagito returned. But curiosity got the best of him. He placed his shaking hands on the lid of the freezer and lifted it. What greeted him was the body of a dead woman.


He stumbled back letting the lid fall with a thud.

"No no no nononono," Hajime repeated over and over again. The image of the women flashed in his head. She had strawberry blonde hair and her crystal blue eyes were wide open. She was completely naked and had a cut on her stomach that exposed her internal organs. One of her arms was cut off and laying on top of her.

He's a murderer! I am probably next that's why he brought me here. I gotta get out here before he flays me.

Hajime scrambled up the stairs when he reached the top, he heard a slam and a thump

Crap! Nagito is back.

He ran to his room as quickly and quietly as possible. He shut the door behind him and waited to see if Nagito had noticed anything. A couple of minutes pass by and nothing. Hajime sighed in relief and pressed his ear against the door. He could hear more thumps.

"Hahaha come on! Isn't this what you wanted?" Hajime could hear faintly downstairs. Who is he talking to? Did he kidnap someone else? The thumps were getting further away, and Hajime strained to hear him.


The sudden calling made Hajime jump. He placed his hand over his chest trying to calm his racing heart.

"Are you still in your room? Please come down! I have a surprise I really hope you will enjoy!" Nagito called out.

Next chap is going to be something... what could the surprise be? What does Nagito want from Hajime? And the question you are all probably asking. Is Hajime going to be alright? Find out in future chaps :D

Also reminder if you guys want a different ending from Ren's path just ask and I will do a one-shot :)

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