*Bonus Chapter*

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A/N Heyo this is the one where Hajime actually does kill Kazuchi slowly bouns chapter :D

Hajime looked up at Nagito his grin wide and eyes expectant. His hand tighten around the knife Hajime's anger boiling over. If he wants a show... I'll give him one.

He walked closer to Kazuichi. Where to start? There was a small tremble in his arm as he placed the blade on his arm. He pressed it down and slide the blade down his arm testing it. Kazuichi's arm jerked back against the ropes he gave a muffled groan.

He gave such a strong reaction for something so small. He looked up at his face. Kazuichi was breathing hard. His face was scrunched up in pain tears were falling down his eyes. Fear. His face was full of it. Hajime moved the knife to his skin again. More muffled sounds. He looked up at Kazuichi's face and despite no words being exchanged, he could tell exactly what Kazuichi was thinking. To stop. To let him go. He wants this more than he has ever wanted anything.

"But there isn't anything you can do about it... is there?"

Kazuichi jerked up the fear in his face intensified. Hajime realized he said that out loud. The whole room was silent. Nagito and Kazuichi was silent. Full anticipation of what he would do next. Hajime was in charge at the moment. He liked it.

Kazuichi gave a loud cry as Hajime drove the knife into his thigh. He screamed against the gag as Hajime dug the knife in deeper... slowly.

Seeing Kazuichi unable to stop him, even though he so desperately wanted him to... it felt nice to be the one giving than receiving, to say the least. He twisted the knife and never felt so much power in his life. Strangely when he was doing this the weight of the collar on his neck was more prominent. I've been helpless too.

He pulled the knife out and took in Kazuichi's trembling. I lifted his chin so he could look me in the eye. This was important.

"I know how you feel Kazuichi." He wiped the bloody knife on Kazuichi's shirt. "But you can't stop this." Pure terror etched its way across his face. It was weird. It felt so *good* to say that. He then plunged the knife into his stomach.

His screams became hoarser even with the gag. He pulled the knife through his flesh and watched as blood and other things that should stay inside the human body fell out of him. His head fell to his chest.

Time Hajime couldn't possibly recount passed. He realized that he was panting. He glanced over to Nagito and was surprised to see a hint of fear on his face. How good that made Hajime feel. He flashed him a smile.

"That... that wasn't so hard."

He turned back around and sheath the knife into Kazuichi's chest.

"Right, you exceeded my expectations Hajime! As... expected." Nagito said nervously.

Wait did he really expect me not to do it? Hmph.

"I should clean this up," He smiled warmly at Hajime the fear and nervousness perfectly masked. "Just go relax now. "


He turned around and left him in the small dark room. He climbed up the stairs and reached the living room. It seemed brighter and more comfortable before. He flopped on the couch and leaned into it. It amazed Hajime. He should be bothered by what he just did but he just wasn't. The overwhelming power he had when he played with Kazuichi's life was phenomenal. And the fear he made Nagito feel was a nice touch too. Let him be the one in fear for once instead of him. He closed his eyes fell into a comfortable sleep.

So yeah this is the decision you are supposed to make to get the ending I am writing for. You guys can decided which one yall like more and choose which one Hajime actually did I guess :p

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