Untitled part 4

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A/N Heyo everyone back at it again I am on a roll :D Though this chapter is also very short :p This one was more difficult to write due to some major changes I did. I will explain more in end notes.

Nagito met Hajime with a smile on his face. The anger and disappointment he showed the previous day were gone.

"Did you have a nice rest Hajime?"

Again, acting like everything was normal. Like he wasn't being held against his will. It pissed him off. This time Nagito didn't seem to mind his silence.

"Well, you look well-rested, so I am assuming you did. That's great! Anyway, I have your surprise set up in the spare room" He motioned his arms to what seemed to be a closet. "Please take a look."

The way Nagito said it was like a child that was desperate for their parent's approval over something they made. If Nagito really was a murderer, he sure didn't act like it. He must have taken a long time thinking because Nagito spoke again.

"Hajime, I know anything I make is probably just as much trash as I am, but I would really like for you to see it."

Again, with that self-deprecation. It made Hajime wonder if he really did believe those thoughts were true or he was just saying it to gain Hajime's sympathy. Either way, it didn't matter a murderer is still a murderer. But he didn't want to test Nagito's patience any longer. He went to the closet and opened the door. He looked back at Nagito who was watching him with an excited gaze. He motioned his hands for him to go inside. Hajime turned back around and took a step inside.

It took a while for his eyes to adjust to the darkness but when they did he was surprised by what he saw. Kazuichi was sitting on a chair bound and gagged. His face was full of fear. All Hajime could do was stare in shock.

"Well?" Nagito whispered into his ear causing Hajime to involuntary shiver. "I am sure you remember Kazuichi." He said lightly tracing his collar. Hajime didn't do anything to make him stop. "You know Kazuichi was going to be my new friend..." Nagito continued he took his hands off of Hajime and was now looking at him with an amused smirk. "But then you came along!" He finished. He walked behind Kazuichi's chair and stood behind. One hand gripped Kazuichi's shoulders. Kazuichi whimpered and tears fell down his cheek only to be absorbed by the rag he had in his mouth. "Weird how the smallest things have the biggest impact even on my lowly life," He looked up at Hajime, and the look he had scared Hajime to his core. His eyes were swirling with despair, and he had a sick twisted grin.

"W-what is he doing here?" Hajime managed to get out.

All Nagito did was smile as he reached behind him and pulled out a knife. Before Hajime could react, he handed him the knife.

"I want us to be able to share something Hajime. I really do feel like you could be the one."

He can't be serious right? What does that even mean?

But Nagito reached out for his hand and placed the knife on his palm. He then closed his hand and stepped back.

"You... want me to hurt him?"

Kazuichi gave a muffled cry and tried to get out of his bindings, but it was no use he was stuck.

"Not just hurt him. Make him bleed and cry. Then kill him."

The knife quivered in Hajime's hand as he thought about it. Images of the dead woman in the freezer came barreling back. The workbench filled with torture weapons, the drill. Hajime's free hand went up to the collar on his neck. Electric shocks. He looked up at Kazuichi his eyes were begging him not to. But Hajime had no choice. If he disobeyed orders he would be in for a world of pain. At least he could make Kazuichi's death quick.

"I... don't have a choice," Hajime said out loud. Like he was trying to justify what he was about to do. But really no matter what he said was going to make him feel any better. He stepped closer to Kazuichi. Should he apologize? But what would be the point?

"Go on," Nagito urged. Hajime gripped the knife tighter. Hearing his voice again filled him with so much rage. He hated this. He hated Kazuichi for attacking that night. He hated himself for even going out. But most of all he hated him.

Nagito wanted him to drag out Kazuichi's death, but he wasn't going to give him that satisfaction. He raised the knife and pressed it to Kazuichi's throat. He could feel his adam's apple as he swallowed. Hajime couldn't stand looking at Kazuichi's face that animal-like fear in his eyes was just too much. He screwed his eyes closed as he swept the blade across his flesh. And just like that, it was over. Kazuichi slumped over but Nagito grabbed his head and forced him to sit up. Hajime tried to look away. He really did but the blood pouring out of him and pooling at his chest captured Hajime's attention. Hajime felt hot tears streaming down his face just like the blood. The knife came clattering to the floor. Hajime all of the sudden felt very tired. He couldn't focus anymore He just blanked out. But he was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt an arm snake around his waist.

"I knew you could do it," Nagito whispered happily.

"No... I didn't... no"

Hajime fell onto his knees "I'm a murderer" Hajime whispered.

"Don't worry Hajime... so am I. I can understand you." Nagito said rubbing his back affectionately. Hajime hugged his knees rocking himself back and forth. "I am the only one that can understand you know."

Nagito removed his hand from his back and for some strange reason, Hajime missed it. He wanted his touch back.

"Why don't you go relax Hajime? I am sure you don't want me touching you like this at least let me wash up."

All Hajime could do was nod. His throat was too dry to speak. He shakily stood up and staggered to his room. In doing so he passed by the living room. It felt like a joke. Seeing something so bright and clean after what he had just done. Hajime couldn't take another step. Hajime decided he would just crash on the sofa. He buried his face in the pillows and tried to relax but he just couldn't. Now the best he could do was wait for sleep and pray he doesn't get tormented by nightmares.

So yea... hope yall enjoyed. Anyway, as I said this was a bit more difficult to write. In the original game to get the ending I am going for you had kill the guy slowly. Something I can never imagine Hajime doing unless Nagito drove him to that point but as can see in this fic Nagito hasn't. I was debating on if I should just screw it and have Hajime kill Kazuichi slowly so that it would be easier but I decided to keep Hajime in character (or at least try pretty sure I had Hajime act OOC multiple times now) So I have to change some things in future chap to make it flow better. Will probably have a bonus chapter where Hajime does kill Kazuichi slowly tho cuz I am messed up like that.

Anyway sorry for long endnote hope yall have a great day :D

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