Part 1 - A beginning

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Third person POV

Revivedbur walked into Las Nevadas, he went to where Quackity would be, he went in the building Quackity was in, he arranged to see Quackity and he went in the elevator and went up to his office

Quackity POV

I was doing paperwork when my rival, Revivedbur, walked through the door to my office, I was stressed and already a little pissed off and didn't really wanna deal with his bullshit right now
"Hey ducky." He said "Don't call me that Soot." I responded. "Alright alright. Anyway I wanted to talk to you see, if you let me into Las Nevadas and let me have a position where I run some things.. you could get way more respect and power, people are scared of me generally, I mean I am the person who blew up Lmanburg, so we could both get what we want if you give me what I want." He said I stood up and placed my hands on my desk staring at the revived man in front of me "Look Soot. I'm not willing to take that risk for a bit more of power and respect, I have plenty and Sam and Foolish are both feared to an extent, what do you have compared to them Soot? I don't want Las Nevadas to suffer the same fate of L'manburg. So shoo. Don't come back. My answer remains the same and always will and frankly I'm too tired to deal with your bullshit."

"Look- I could be better than Sam, Foolish, or even.. Karl and Sapnap, I can be better than all of them Quackity." He said. I stood up and grabbed him by his shirt collar and pulled him down to my level " Shut. up. Don't even talk about any of them. Keep their names out of your dirty mouth and get out of my damn sight right fucking now Soot." I said. A light pink shade of blush dusted his cheeks, I looked at him intensely and let him go, "Get out. Now.". "Ducky c'monnn, we could have some fun, we could be the most feared duo ever you know?" He said, "Are you even listening to me? Get out now before I throw you out."

Revivedbur POV

He told me to get out again, I sighed "Fine. Fine." I throw my hands up and then lower them and put my hands in the pockets of my trenchcoat. "Before I go, just think of my offer alright? I've changed since I died Q, I don't remember a thing about TNT! I can barely even remember the colour of it!" I said to the duck hybrid "sounds like getting old is taking a toll on your memory old man." The shorter male said as he chuckled. "I'm not even that old asshole.." I walked back into the elevator and went down, I went back to my burger van and got into the van and laid down on the floor and I slowly drifted to sleep

~~2 hour timeskip~~

I awoke and felt a sharp pain in my stomach "mhh..-" I place my hand on my stomach, my shirt was..wet? I brought my hand up to my face and blinked a few times because my eyes were blurry and I couldn't see all that well, my hand had blood on it, I started to panic "w-what the hell-" I look at my stomach, my shirt was stained with blood I took off my shirt to look to see what was the cause of it, my wound, from where I was stabbed by Phil somehow was opened up, I was confused and panicking I slowly got up, the nearest place with people was Las Nevadas I went slowly went to Las Nevadas, it felt like hours before I got there but in reality it was only around four minutes. I passed out near the strip club with my hand on my stomach

Third POV

Revivedbur had blood around him because of the fact he's bleeding out from his stomach, Quackity was walking around his nation one last time before he went to sleep to make sure everything was running smoothly, when he was about to head into his office he saw near the strip club Revivedbur passed out

Quackity POV

I saw Revivedbur passed out in front of the strip club I sighed "Did he get drunk or something..fucking hell.." I then noticed the blood around the unconscious man, "oh shit-" I ran over to him, he was shirtless and had, what looked to be a poorly stitched up wound that had reopened I picked him up, he wasn't very heavy, I went into my office quickly and cleared off my desk, I laid him on the desk and grabbed a needle with thread, a disinfectant, and a cloth I went over to the Revived man and removed the old stitching, I then sprayed the disinfectant on the wound and cleaned up the blood around it, I then stitched him up, after I finished I picked him up and placed him on my bed, I looked at him and sighed I got into my bed, turned away from Wilbur and fell asleep

~~timeskip to morning~~

Revivedbur's POV

I woke up, I saw quackity asleep next to me "what the hell-" I said quietly, I then tried to recall what had happened last night, I remembered bleeding out and not much else, I assumed Quackity had helped me, why was the question though, I laid there and just kinda thought. He woke up sometime when I was thinking and got up, "huh-" I said "hey, look, I let you stay the night now you gotta go, out of my country. I also don't want people thinking we did anything together that we didn't." Quackity said tiredly "can't I just stay longer duckyyy" I said , honestly trying to get on his nerves "NO GET THE HELL OUT OF MY COUNTRY SOOT I'M WAY TO TIRED TO DEAL WITH YOUR BULLSHIT GET OUT OF MY COUNTRY AND LEAVE ME ALONE" Quackity yelled, I was surprised and just kinda looked at him in slight shock, he sighed " look I'm sorry for yelling- just-" he hugged me as a form of an apology, I hugged him back quickly, I hadn't had a hug in 13 years and it felt so damn good to be hugged and hug them back, I didn't let go either "this is getting awkward- let go Wilbur." Quackity said, I didn't let go and I had tears prick at my eyes, he pushed me away, he looked at my face and he looked a bit sad himself and hugged me again

Quackity POV

I was expecting Wilbur to tease me for hugging him or something, so I pushed him off me, expecting him to have a cocky smirk or something but instead he looked sad..? I remember that he had been stuck in his limbo for 13 years and hadn't interacted with anyone in those years, I felt slightly guilty so I hugged him again "Soot are you good..?" I asked. He nodded but hugged me tighter, for some reason I honestly didn't mind him hugging me, kinda liked it, but I wouldn't be caught dead admitting that. I patted him on the back "Look, you've gotta go now, if-" I sighed " if you wanna talk, not about Las Nevadas, or anything of the sort, you can come to my office, but I'm kicking your ass out next time you come talk about getting into Las Nevadas. Got it?" He nodded I stopped hugging him and he stopped hugging me, and he was on his way out of my country.


Word count: 1290

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