Part 3 - cuddles 😎

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Quackity POV

I woke up and got out of bed,looked at my clock on the wall, it was 12pm, I went and got dressed, I left my office/bedroom and looked around Las Nevadas, it was way to early to start work, I like to start it around an hour or so after I get up, I was thinking about last night and how me and Wil talked for hours, I was looking forward to seeing him again, he's more interesting than I thought he'd be, I used to hate when he talked to me because it was only about him wanting to be in Las Nevadas, and that was irritating, sometimes it was tempting to just pinch his lips together, or ducktape his mouth shut when he'd only talk about that. I left my office and locked the door behind me, I decided to go into my strip club, going into the bar that was in it and having a few shots, only enough to get tipsy, I got up and left the strip club, having a bit of trouble with walking in a straight line (maybe he can't walk in a straight line because he's not) but not much trouble, I went up to my office and saw Wilbur spin around to face me while he was in my chair

Revivedbur POV

After I heard Quackity walk in I spun around in Quackity's chair so I could face him, "I've been waiting for you" I said with my all my finger pads touching the finger pad on the opposite hand, looking like a villain from some cliche movie, he raised a eyebrow and said "The fuck?" I giggled, "how'd you even get in here- I'm pretty sure I locked my office door when I left" he said looking at the door for a brief moment "oh uh, not important" I said quickly "did you pick my lock?" he asked "...maybe" I said quietly, sounding like a child who'd parents that had asked if he stole a cookie, he sighed at me "Dammit Soot. Out of my chair, I gotta start work soon" he told me "in how long.?" I asked "about 10 minutes" he responded "everyone is busy so how about I talk to you for those ten minutes hmmmm?" I said "Not for the whole ten minutes, maybe 8, so as long as you don't talk about wanting to be in Las Nevadas and you leave in 8 minutes, sure"

~~8 minute time skip~~

Third person POV

Quackity glanced over to the clock seeing eight minutes had passed "Alright, you gotta go now'' the ravenette said, Revivedbur responded by saying "mmm..ok" he sounded disappointed, they both stood up, Quackity hugged the taller male and he hugged back, it was about a two second hug as to not get awkward, Revivedbur left and Quackity started with his paperwork.

~three hours later~

Revivedbur walked into Quackity's office, Quackity didn't notice him so he slammed his hands on the table, scaring Quackity, making him look up instantly "what the hell Soot?" The shorter male said, clearly annoyed, "I wanted your attention" Revivedbur said "well now you have it, can you leave?" Quackity said, looking back at his paperwork "no" the brunette proclaimed, "let me into Las Nevadas. I don't remember anything about TNT I don't remember how to make it explode! Just let me be in Las Nevadas, you don't need to worry about me doing anything bad to it." "Wilbur. No. Just try to see things from my view, you blew up Lmanburg, I can't just let someone like that into my nation I've worked so hard for, I don't know if you're lying or not about the whole TNT thing either" Quackity said going back to his paperwork, Revivedbur looked irritated and he sat on the floor "the hell are you doing?" Big Q asked "trying to see things from your view ducky." He said with a smirk, it took Quackity a few seconds to realize what he meant "oh you bitch-" Quackity said, Revivedbur laughed, "you just lost any damn chance of getting in my nation" "Nooooo, I'm sorry you're short" Revivedbur said continuing to laugh, Quackity got up and picked up Revivedbur, Revivedbur's mood almost instantly changing "NO NOT AGAIN YOU PRICK" Quackity set Revivedbur outside of his office, slammed the office door shut and locked it, "damn" Revivedbur said under his breath, he laid against the office door and fell asleep for whatever reason

~ 6 hours later ~

Quackity unlocked the door and tried to leave, saying that Revivedbur was laying against the door asleep, Quackity had trouble opening the door when he first tried but on the second try he managed to open the door and looked to see what was causing the difficulty to open the door, he saw Revivedbur asleep against the door, he looked at him with a 'why' kind of face and shook him so he'd wake up "mmh- five more minutes" "no get out off my damn door" Revivedbur slowly got up "what time is it" the taller male asked while stretching "like 10pm maybe. Leave" the shorter one responded, "I'm not leavingg it's to lattee" Revivedbur whined like a child,

"you know what fine have it your way, you can come into my office and you can sleep on the floor"

"but the floor's not comfy"

"well you're sure as hell not sleeping on my bed."

"But your bed is comfy plus I did a few days ago"

"That was only because I had just stitched you up, which you did a horrible job doing it yourself by the way, and I was too tired to bring you back to your van- wait don't you sleep on the floor of your burger van most the time anyways?"

"Yeah, that's why I wanna sleep in a bed, I'll keep my distance, as well as possible being in the same bed"

"You know what, fine. But if you touch me I'm throwing you out of the window"

"Wow ok"

Quackity went downstairs and gave the person at the front desk finished paperwork, telling her what to do with it "Thanks Felicity" Quackity said to the woman at the front desk while smiling, going back to his office, he saw that Revivedbur was already asleep in his bed, he sighed and changed into a hoodie and sweatpants, he then laid down in his bed and fell asleep

~in the morning~

Quackity woke up and his eyes fluttered open, he realized that Revivedbur was in his bed and he was holding him close, assuming he ended up like that somehow while asleep he quickly got up, Revivedbur woke up when Quackity moved away but just curled in a ball and continued to lay there, Quackity looked at the male and smiled he changed into his normal clothes,

"Wil wake up"

"Noo.. come here and lay down with're..warm" Revivedbur said half asleep



"No get up"

"I'll get up if you cuddle me bitch.."

"Rude but fine."

Quackity went over to him and got in bed, he cuddled the brunette for a few minutes then stopped and got up "alright enough, get up" Quackity said "fine." Revivedbur said and he got up "I'm gonna go visit Phil. Cya ducky" "stop calling me that" said the duck hybrid "No, I don't think I will" said the brunette, the ravenette sighed, Revivedbur hugged Quackity, Quackity hugged back and they stayed like that for a minute, Quackity then patted Wilbur on the back and stopped hugging him and Revivedbur stopped as well, whether he wanted to end the hug or not, Revivedbur left to go see Phil while Quackity went to go look around Las Nevadas

Revivedbur POV

I arrived at Phil's house and just came in the door, Phil looked at me and said "Hi mate" "hello" I responded "how've you been?" "I've been ok" said the blonde male "that's nice" said Revivedbur "and you? How're you?" Asked the brunettes father "I'm ok, me and Quackity have been getting closer, so that's nice" "oh that's great mate" Phil said with a smile "yeah"

"can I stay the night?"

"Sure son"

"Thanks Phil"


Word count: 1376

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