Part 7 - mmmm slep

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Third person POV

After Quackity's and Revivedbur's dinner, Revivedbur was thinking about Quackity with a smile and Quackity was thinking about Revivedbur with a smile, they were both excited to see each other again, it had been only a few days since Revivedbur passed out in front of the strip club that night, and ever since then they had been getting along, Revivedbur even questioned if he loved the duck hybrid, and Quackity even questioned if he loved the old fuck as well, neither of them would admit they ever thought things like that, but they sure did, Revivedbur trusted Quackity, enough to relax with him and sometimes he'd feel safe when with him, and Quackity trusted Revivedbur as well, though, did not trust him enough to actually let him in his nation just to roam around, if Revivedbur was in his nation he had to be next to Quackity so Quackity could keep an eye on him, he liked, maybe loved, Revivedbur but he also cherished his nation and was proud he could make and run a nation, he wasn't a vice president or anything of the sort he was the president, and he enjoyed it.

Quackity decided to go to sleep, and he was able to, while Revivedbur stayed up all night doing random shit, Revivedbur decided to visit Tommy, when he finally saw Tommy he said hello to him, Tommy seemed to be alone so he Revivedbur hoped he wasn't busy, Tommy said Hi back and they started up a conversation, it lasted an hour but after that hour Tommy said he needed to go, Revivedbur responded to this by saying "Tommy, are you sure you need to go right now? I mean you're all I have Toms. I'll be alone without you" Tommy sighed, he felt like he had to stay because of that and he did stay because of it "fine, I guess I can stay a few more minutes, it's not urgent for me to leave I suppose." The gremlin child said, "Tommy have you talked to Ranboo lately?" Asked Revivedbur "yeah, a few days ago. What about it?" Tommy answered "how is he?" Revivedbur asked "he was good when we talked, why don't you ask him yourself though, I'm not sure how he is right now." Tommy said, "will do, when I see and I am able to talk to him that is" after another hour Tommy said he needed to leave, again, and Revivedbur just said bye this time, letting Tommy leave without Tommy feeling guilty or obligated to talk to Revivedbur, Revivedbur soon got bored again and needed to talk to someone to stay awake, so he went and found Ranboo, but Ranboo was talking to Tommy, or arguing, can't ever tell with those two (this is also before Ranboo died) so he went to Phil's house, he spent almost the whole day talking to Phil, he then went to Las Nevadas, it was like routine for him to go to Las Nevadas at least once a day, ever since a few nights ago, when his cut opened up and he was passed out in front of the strip club, when Quackity helped him, he didn't know exactly why Quackity helped him, whether he wanted to because he's a good person or if he felt obligated to because he was in Las Nevadas but either way was okay.

As he was walking through Las Nevadas, wanting to see Quackity for a bit, but when he was about one fifth of the way to Quackity's office it started to get harder to keep his eyes open, he'd been awake for about 32 hours, it was 8pm, he'd been up since 5:30am yesterday, he felt very tired and looked the part too, he tiredly made his way into Quackity's office, Quackity seemed to be done with work, he was laying on his bed looking at his phone, when he walked in his office he said "hey Q, miss me?" "We saw each other a little more than a day ago, also did you sleep well? You look tired, more zombie like." Quackity said, having a slightly worried tone when he asked about if he slept well, Revivedbur shook his head a bit and said "I didn't sleep, just didn't want to and partially could not sleep" "hm. Try to get a good sleep tonight" Quackity said putting his phone down and sitting up  "I'll try" Revivedbur said smiling at Quackity, he got in the bed, next to Quackity, "so how've you been?" Revivedbur asked, "I've been fine, you?" Quackity answered "I've been okay, tired though" Revivedbur said leaning his head on Quackity's shoulder because he was tired "do you wanna take a nap?" Quackity asked "honestly yeah" Revivedbur said "I have a couch, I just got it moved into my office" Quackity pointed at the new couch and then continued talking "it can pull out to a bed, why don't you go take a nap on that? I know that you usually sleep on the floor so I'm assuming sleeping on a couch would beat sleeping on the floor, eh?"Revivedbur just nodded, Quackity got up and set the couch so it was pulled out as a bed and threw some blankets on it, Revivedbur got up and laid down on the couch/bed, and pulled the blankets over himself and slowly fell asleep, Quackity looked at him and smiled, Quackity thought Revivedbur looked pretty damn peaceful when he slept, cute, even. Quackity went back over to his bed and laid down, he scrolled on various social media apps like tik tok, youtube, and instagram after hours of mindlessly scrolling he looked at the clock, it was 12AM, he went over to the still sleeping Revivedbur, moved his hair up a bit, out of the way of his forehead and just gave him a forehead kiss, Revivedbur wouldn't know and it wasn't like he had kissed him on the lips, or anything romantic, just something he wanted to do, a gesture between- friends, yeah friends.

Quackity then just walked back over to his bed, smiling softly, and laid down, he was pretty happy having spent so much time with Revivedbur these past few days, he grabbed his phone and placed it on his nightstand and went to sleep.


Word count: 1060

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