Song Of The Sirens

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Sirens are able to lure sailors towards rocky shores through their hypnotic singing, causing the sailors to crash into the doomed coast of their island, meeting a watery demise.

The moon painted the sky in its array of lights, brightening the horizon alongside the ridges of the sea. The sailors, so foolish, upholstered their flag and laughed, their eyes twinkling even in the darkening of the earth. They were the perfect prey.

Out went the sirens, their long hair striking the ripples their bodies have created, and alluding to the sensory marvel that was their voice. Soon a collective, harmonious chant echoed throughout the sky. The sailors stirred, enchanted by the promise lying in the mysterious voices.

The sirens, holding the façade of sweetness, grabbed the heads of the men and pinned them down beneath the ocean. Air bubbles escaped as they thrashed and choked. But the sirens continued to sing their song, and with that, the sailors struggled no longer. 

Bakugou slowly floated to the floor, brows furrowed in confusion as his grandmother finished talking. 

"You're one hell of a storyteller ma'am." Kirishima spoke up, elbows resting on his lap, leaning forward with intrigue at the story Katsuki's grandma had so elegantly painted out for them.

"Thank you, but, this is no story." She sternly reminded him.

The night had fallen hours ago, the pair swimming as fast as their tails could take them to find Katsuki's village. When they had arrived, they were deep under the surface, inky blackness soothed only by their exceptional eyesight in the water.

Katsuki had wasted no time, dashing through the curves and hills of the seabed to arrive at his old house. It was a cave to the human eye, but when you passed through the blanket of darkness at the entrance, light filled every crack and crevice in the hollowed out earth.

His village feared human discovery, so they made it a rule never to expose any light outside their homes, meaning the trip through the village was more than eerie, it was desolate and dark.

Bakugou's grandmother had greeted them at the entrance, claiming to have heard their words passed through the current of water to warn her of their hasty return.

She was tall and light-skinned, with curly blonde hair that lightened at the tips. Her locks moved with the current, creating an enchanting halo effect. Her eyes were a gleaming yellow that seemed to cut through Eijirou's soul if he met them.

Kirishima had joked that he saw where Katsuki got his flawless skin from, but it was met with a blank stare and an awkward silence.

"But, sirens were just an old folktale of ours, mom said they didn't actually exist." Katsuki reasoned.

"Nonsense, they are a part of our history and more importantly, our ancestors." She glanced over at Eijirou, who was trying to untangle a thread of his hair unsuccessfully, and sighed.

"What happened to them?" Bakugou pressed.

"It's debated over, but the agreed upon consensus is that a siren woman fell in love with a sailor who did not fall prey to her song. They had a child and the human empathy and love from the father's side made the child a mermaid, not a siren." She explained, a finger coming to rest gently on her chin as she tried to remember.

"So it became an intelligent being, capable of love and reason instead of a mindless killer."  She added.


As the night grew fairer, the sailors had disappeared, many of them already choked and dead. Akilah lay stretched out on the sea, awaiting a new face to experience their prospective misfortune.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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