Fucking Hell Eijirou

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(As per requested, these bitches are gonna wake up together)

Bakugou's eyes slowly opened up, his vision slightly blurry as he blinked himself back to reality. He was wet. He knew that much. And his right arm was trapped under something heavy.

When he regained his vision, he saw Kirishimas body snuggled up to his, they were spooning with the bigger Merman being the big spoon. Bakugou's arm was trapped under Kirishima's muscled arm that held the blond close to him so that explained why he couldn't move.

His mind flashed back to yesterday in the pool and then to last night with Kirishima and his cheeks heated up slightly.

When his sense also came back to him, he panicked, Kirishima shouldn't be out of water for this long or he would dry up.

With this in mind, he moved to sit up and hissed at the Merman.
"Wake up you fucking idiot!"
He slapped his arm a few times before he got any movement from the lazy redhead.

"Get. Up." Bakugou hissed again and the Merman stared at him with half lidded eyes. Bakugou slapped his arm more and Kirishima whined as he pulled away to let the blonde dart out of bed.

"You need to get back to the water you fucking dipshit!" when Kirishima didn't move, Bakugou put his hands on the bigger males torso and pushed.

It took a lot of effort but Bakugou eventually shoved Kirishima off the bed and onto the floor below with a satisfying thump.

Bakugou stood with his arms crossed and waited for the redhead to emerge. When he did, his hair was messy and he rubbed the side of his head, wincing a little.

"Why'd you push me?" The merman huffed, his voice raspy and tired.

"You need to get back into your goddamned tank, fish for brains!"
Kirishima groaned and pulled his heavy torso across the floor to the tank.

When he plunged back into the safety of water, Bakugou let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and moved to rip the sheets off his bed, they were soaking wet and the blonde scowled.

He used the laundry shoot to send them away, angrily closing the shoot door afterwards and he opened his wardrobe to find new sheets.

When he had finished changing the bedcovers he turned back to Kirishima who was watching him with big eyes, pouting slightly.

"The fuck do you want?" Bakugou barked at the redhead.


Did this bitch have no shame? Bakugou coughed dryly and his face
heated up again.

"What!?" He had keeled over from coughing and was now embarrassingly holding his stomach and sitting down on his bed again.

"W-wait I need to make a goddammed call"

Kirishima whined as Bakugou ran into his bathroom, locking the door behind him. Thank fuck the room was soundproof so Kirishima didn't hear him speaking.

He yanked his phone out of his back pocket and immediately dialed Yaoyorozu, his sister.

Come on fucking pick up already, the phone rang out a few times before he heard a click and Yaoyorozu's calm voice greet him.

"Hello, Katsuki it's nice to hear from you again" She began

"You have to fucking help me" Bakugou had one hand holding the phone and one hand gripping the sink beneath him.

"What have you done now Katsuki?"

"I met this fucking Merman..." Bakugou proceeded to tell his sister about the meeting and him now being in his apartment. He excluded the part where Kirishima and him were in the pool together but told her about the kiss.

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