Paperwork? Cool, Yeah

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Bakugou cursed under his breath at the time on his watch. The elevator he stood in was still  depressurizing and the placating music they played inside was not helping his nerves. It did nothing over the roar of the machinery that no-one thought to suppress. 

Aizawa, lord of scarves, the guy one rank above him that could order him around much to his chagrin, had called him in on a weekend for an emergency. The nature of it wasn't specified, and he was mad to lose his downtime, not that he was doing much of anything though. 

He was many things, but a guy with anything even resembling a social life was not one of them. 

It had been more of a laundry weekend. The same five pressed button ups for each day of the week, and a dozen tank tops for when those shirts inenvitably got wet. He worked underwater for fucks sake, it was an expected part of the job.

A team of humans had been sent to escort a recovered mermaid back to her village, leading in a sub, and a few diving suits built for high pressure. Things must have gone south fast if he found himself here, on a saturday, called in the middle of the day.

He fidgeted with the buttons on his shirt, then with his tie, while the elevator took him down to the open diving bay on the last floor of the facility.

The ding and click of the doors opening had no time to accomodate broad shoulders that rampaged past and down the winding hallways, to the massive open room that contained numbered hatches used for licensed divers.

He ran a hand through his spiked blond hair in an attempt to tame it, sighed when it bounced right back to his hand, and walked up to Aizawa, stood there with his hands on his hips like some unimpressed parent at a sports day. 

The older's head whipped around so fast his neck cracked. 

"Aizawa." He greeted.

Aizawa hummed, then his face set with a severe lack of sleep and he signalled for the blond to follow. They walked, steps echoing in the chamber, until they reached the security room placed at the far end of the diving floor. 

His phone buzzed like crazy the entire way, and a cursory glance when the older was running a hand over his eyes let him check that his co-worker, Kyoka Jirou had demanded his presence upstairs when he was finished down here.

He barely noticed the papers scattered about the desks when they entered the room, instead subtly sliding his phone back to his pocket, then hearing a light cough from the older as he gestured to the stacks of paper.

Katsuki breathed sharply, and a pen was thrust into his hands, along with a note with letters, numbers and dashes. He wasn't serious, right?

"Those are files for the incident we had about six hours ago. That," Aizawa pointed to the note he had given. "-is the code for the computer over there."

Katsuki used what little sense he had to curb the torrent of insults he so desperately wanted to hurl at the older's face. They brought him in for paperwork, that was it!?

Aizawa knowingly sighed. "Sorry, kid."

He felt a vein pop in his forehead right around the time he pursed his lips and nodded. He itched to throw the pen in hand at the stack and turn in his resignation right then and fucking there, and instead sat at the desk, deflated a little.

His shoulder met a firm hand, the older mumbled a few more things and then he was alone, with a fuck ton of work to do on his day off. He was gonna take his damned time, too, he was being paid overtime for this bullshit. 

The pen cracked a little with how hard he held it, but the real struggle was keeping his eyes awake after a while. Fuck, he hated his job. 


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