Who The Fuck Are You

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It was a little ways past midnight, and the stack of papers he'd been loaded up with were dwindling. He had finished most of it earlier, then had been called back in thanks to some dumb fuck who hadn't submitted his accident report.

His vision was blurring from lack of sleep, he held himself to a strict schedule and this was completely ruining it. The pull from the sea was prominent, too. The security office was not a few feet from one of the open hatches down here.

He could hear the lapping waves, and if he squinted to look hard enough, he could sink his eyes into the dark blue and imagine the seabed just past the surface. This was one of the lower levels, used for launching subs and diving missions.

After a few more minutes of typing on his keyboard, he'd used his last bit of patience. All he wanted to do was sneak out and swim for hours, maybe even days. But there would be questions. Questions Bakugou didn't want to answer.

Instead he tried to stick faithfully to finishing his work so he could get some rest before the sun came up, at least then he wouldn't be overly sleep deprived.

Again, minutes passed and the blonde found himself pacing around his apartment, unable to focus on his work from constant visions of the open ocean calling to him.

He became frantic, a rush of adrenaline coursed through him, he opened his door as quietly as possible, only to sprint down the hallways and down flights of stairs to reach the divers hatches.

Bakugou knew if he dove in with his human body then the sudden pressure change and icy coldness of the sea would kill him quickly, so he had no choice but to strip down his clothing, place it on the side of the hatch and painfully change his body to his Merman form.

As soon as he finished he flopped on the ground. Having a tail was not ideal for being on a cold and dry floor.

He tucked his clothes into a corner and dragged himself along to the hatch, first staring into the dark abyss underneath him. He wasn't frightened, in fact, he was welcoming to the mysterious look and grabbed the rim of the hatch, pulling himself through it to meet the water.

As soon as his face broke the surface of the water, he opened his eyes, they had adjusted to the light already and he could see to the bottom of the ocean floor where coral grew in bright colours and bizzare forms.

The fish were no different, coming in all different shapes and sizes and yet still fitting in perfectly with the small colony of fish staying there.

His arms and tail followed soon after and eventually he plunged entirely into the sea, like he was being swallowed whole. His tail turned even brighter, looking on fire for real after being moisturised, he shook off the cold, his body heat returning to him.

After fully adjusting to being back in the sea, Bakugou dove down straight to the coral reef, like a torpedo. Before he hit the ground he flicked his powerful tail and went up again, doing a few twists, turns and backflips in the water.

He felt like a giddy child who ate too much sugar, the fish watched, he'd been down to visit them before so they didn't fear him. Instead they watched his displays and tricks while being mesmerised by the brightness of his tail and fins. Bakugou's beauty was appreciated by even the fish.

The sharks came soon after, feeling Bakugou's presence and joined in watching the 'show'. Bakugou noticed them and swam down to greet them in his Mer language. The sharks and him conversed for a few minutes before being on their way to hunt.

Bakugou joined the sharks to help catch salmon, After all Bakugou Katsuki was amazing at everything. He caught several salmon in the blink of an eye with his heightened senses and powerful tail. When he'd finished he gave the fish up to the sharks and they thanked him graciously before moving on.

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