Are You Done?

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A week went by, a long ass week of being destroyed by Kirishima's dicks.

He was sore, tired and was pretty sure his insides where all white with this Merman's cum.

Katuski didn't change to his Mer form at all, because that form has a chance to get pregnant, and with a big Alpha like Kirishima, he would have definitely been knocked up.

(Present time):

"ha-aah, shit... KatSUKI-"
The redhead cried out as he came hard inside his smaller mate.

He was spent, his balls were empty at this point so he rolled over, feeling the burning heat in his stomach slowly dissipate.

He was sure now his rut was over.

The blonde next to him was already falling asleep, so Kirishima wrapped him up in his arms, using his tail to support his back and held him close.

He didn't know how he hadn't bitten Katsuki through all of that. But his mer instincts knew he would have to propose to him before he could.

As soon as his Katsuki was feeling better, he decided, he would ask him.

He had fallen in love with this half human half mer male and he wasn't going away any time soon.

Katuski was limp on the bed, ass naked and sweating. His breaths were laboured and his throat was dry from screaming.

He couldn't really move if he tried to, his legs were just lifeless limbs attached to him at this point and his ass was red and spanked raw.

Kirishima's back didn't look any better, claw and bite marks covered his upper back.

The pair of them were marked up viciously, Bakugou mostly, his whole neck and chest looking like a fucking dot to dot puzzle.

So they slept for the rest of the day, in whatever position they flopped down in, not waking up for food or anything, just getting the sleep they needed.

-Time skip-

On Wednesday, when the two of them finally got their strength back, Bakugou managed to call Aizawa and ask for some cooked food, since the both of them hadn't eaten anything but what Katsuki could grab.

So basically crisps, bread and water.

It was about 11.30am when Aizawa knocked on the door, two plates of hot, cooked cod and chips with salads on the side for them.

He also had some healing lotion and muscle relaxers in kind of a jelly form.

When Bakugou opened the door, he looked like shit.

Dark circles under his eyes, wobbly legs that he had covered up with some sweatpants, bite marks and deep purples hickeys everywhere.

He accepted the lotions and food and then closed the door, struggling to walk to the bed.

Kirishima was back in his tank for a minute, soaking back up after spending most of the week out on the bed.

So Katuski climbed up to the top of the tank and had Eijirou swim up to him, his head resting on Bakugou's legs.

They ate in silence, save the few times Eijirou purred and chirped to Bakugou.

And when they were done, he pulled out the lotion and jelly, handing it to Kirishima and lying down on the platforn, his sweatpants gone.

"It's meant to help with the soreness. You did this, so help me."

Kirishima didn't hesitate to open it up and lather it on Katsuki's legs, thighs, ass, back and arms, some of his neck too.

He even massaged him a lil when he got to his shoulders, making the blonde purr slightly, not that he would ever admit it.

"Katsuki." Eijirou moved to Bakugou's face.


He traced the line where Katsuki's mating Mark should be, making the blonde shudder.

"Why- why didn't we..."

Bakugou sighed and rolled his eyes, pulling Kirishima's face to his neck and tilting his head slightly, to give more access.

"If you want to, then fucking do it."

"Only if Katsuki wants to." He replied.

The blonde glared at him and pulled him impossibly closer:
"If I didn't want you to claim me, why would I have put up with you this whole fucking week, idiot."

The redhead smiled wide and moved to nuzzle and lick at his neck, his teeth scraping the area where the mate mark should be.

As he was about to bite, he stilled and pulled away.

"The fuck?"

He cooed and held Bakugou's face in his large hands.
"I want to, but Katsuki is special to me so... I'll do it when you love me back."

"w-who the fuck says I don't already love you?"

Eijirou blinked. Steam practically bursting from his ears as he searched the other males face, looking for any doubt or lie.

He didn't find any.

So he gently pulled Katuski into the water, holding him up against the glass slightly.

His touches were gentle as his hands roamed the blondes body curiously, even though he'd held it most of the week.

Not like this though, this was soft and loving. He traced his muscles, every dip and curve of his body slowly.

Bakugou had shivers running down his spine almost constantly, like everywhere the merman touched was on fire in a good way.

When he stopped and help Katsuki's chin up to look at him, they both just stared into eachothers eyes, Kirishima getting lost in those bright red orbs.

"I do love you. Eijirou."

So the Merman leaned back down to Bakugou's neck, his teeth once again scraping the side, but this time he opened his mouth and sunk them into flesh, drawing blood and sending a wave of intense pleasure through both of them.

The bond locked into place, Kirishima's unique Mark settled into Bakugou's skin forever.

He licked it up to close the wound a little, aware of the blood that had gathered slightly around it, like a fresh tattoo.

Then he moved back and let Katsuki do the same to him, his mer instincts kicking in and his teeth sharpening to pierce Kirishima's skin.

So now they were both properly marked, mated and claimed. Their scents mixed together quickly and both of them felt pure euphoria at the sensation.

Normally a Alpha wouldn't let his omega claim him too, as a show of dominance and power over the other, but Kirishima saw Bakugou as his equal, his strong mate.

So for the moment, they floated in the water and hugged eachother close and tightly.

lol just wanted to point that out.

Sorry I took so long with this one but I was feeling down and didn't know how to write this fluff shit that you've just read.

Also, I'm lookin for Anime or cosplay friends lol so message me, I don't bite.
Unless you want me to lol.

Imma update TodoBaku next I think but maybe not today idk, I will get back to the KiriBaku omegaverse soon tho.

Thanks for reading ❤️

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