Nightmare: Origin

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Astrid took a long shower after she got back to the dorms from the hero exam. Then she changed into warm pajamas.

It was already getting late, and she hadn't eaten yet – But judging by the soundless hallways outside her room, everyone else was most-likely asleep.

Tying her hair up, she walked into the kitchen, barefoot, opened the fridge, and took out the one of the pre-made soba bowls that she and Shoto had bought at the grocery a day ago. Then she walked through the boys' dorm hall towards the elevators when she passed an open door.

Astrid paused and stepped back a few paces to see a boy on his bed, staring up at the roof. He looked defeated. Upset. And his eyes were red as if he had been crying.


He didn't move. He didn't respond.

Astrid sighed and walked into his room, sinking down to her knees next to him.

His eyes shifted over to her, but he stayed silent.

She was searching his mismatched eyes. His pupils were dilated, eyes glassy, whites tinted pink. He didn't blink often, and she could see tears gathering on the bottom of his eyes.

Astrid took his hand and gave it a squeeze. "Do you want to talk about it?"

A moment of silence washed over them, before he opened his mouth to speak, then closed it again. He sighed, and finally, spoke. "N-not really."

She let out a hum, "That's okay. You hungry?" She asked, changing the subject.

"Not exactly..."

"You can have my cold soba?"

A smile crept along his face and Shoto sat up, "Gimme."

Astrid smiled in return and handed him the bowl and chopsticks. Shoto dug in. If she had to guess, she could say that the soba lifted his spirits just a little.

"A little better?"

He looked over at her and nodded. That's when she noticed he had a drop of sauce on the edge of his lips. She let out a chuckle, "I'll be right back."

She stood and returned moments later with a napkin. Shoto took it and wiped his face. Meanwhile, his food had vanished.

She looked down at him from where she stood, "It's late – why don't you go get ready for bed and get some rest. You know where to find me if you decide you want to talk about it..."

"Alright... Thanks, Astrid."

She smiled and left, finding some food in the fridge and eating quickly before getting ready for bed herself. Astrid closed her door and pulled her covers over herself.

She stared up at the ceiling for a few minutes, before her eyelids became heavy and closed. She slowly drifted off into sleep.

Her breath was heavy, her feet pounded against the cracked, broken pavement. It was pouring. Her vision was tinted red, her limbs were shaking. She felt like she was fighting to stay conscious.

Her eyes started to focus once she heard a yell of pain. She knew that voice.

That voice belonged to her father.

Astrid's head shot up and she bolted down the street. It didn't register that there was someone by her side. Someone tall, well built. Someone with a powerful presence. 

She pushed herself as fast as her legs would take her until she found herself stumbling over a piece of debris. A firm hand grasped her arm and hauled her back.

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