Tentacle Arms Plays Shot-put With Motorized Vehicles

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[A few months later..]

Astrid had heard talk about this new girl... Eri was her name. And her father had said that she would be staying in Astrid's dorm for the time being. However, it had been really hard to focus on anything with all the hero studies, as well as the nightmares that had continuously plagued her dreams. She hadn't had one full night of sleep in weeks, and had to start using concealer to cover the dark circles under her eyes to avoid unwanted questions.

Astrid met her around Christmas, but her, Shoto, Bakugo, and Deku had been off with Endeavor completing another work study for the past month and a half, so Astrid hadn't exactly seen the girl. She had barely gotten to know her, even though they shared a room for two nights before Astrid left.

Eri was staying in her dorm room, as Aizawa had suggested it would be easier for her to get to know Class 1-A that way.

Now, riding the train back towards UA, Astrid bounced her knee nervously. She had bought the younger girl a gift from her time training with Endeavor, since her father had told her that she was a fan of the hero (for some odd reason). It was a small plush of the hero, and Astrid had even convinced Shoto's father to sign it for the girl.

A warm hand stilled her bouncing leg. Shoto gave her a sideways look, but didn't say anything, putting pressure on her knee to keep her from bouncing it.

Everyone sat in the private train car together - Bakugo and Deku sat across from her and Shoto. Deku and Bakugo were playing a heated game of cards while Shoto had been sleeping, head on Astrid's shoulder. Apparently, her knee-bouncing had woken him up.

"Oh- I win!" Deku exclaimed with a grin that was contagious. Bakugo rolled his eyes, huffing, as he shuffled the cards again.

"You guys excited to get back to the dorms?" Deku asked after a couple moments.

"Yeah... I guess so. But I heard UA is holding some sort of banquet to honor the fallen heroes from the battle with Freeze Zone sixteen years ago." Shoto said, "UA decided to honor your mother too, Astrid."

Astrid shifted, "My father said something about that... can't say I'm excited. I don't even remember her, after all, she died a couple minutes after I was born. And besides... I have a bad feeling about holding a public event with so many hero trainees in one spot. What, with Freeze Zone on the loose again. This banquet is practically screaming for him to attack us – to attack my father."

Bakugo looked up, "Whatever, new girl. We won't let anything happen to you guys. We have our hero licenses now, so we can engage. No one's getting hurt during the banquet. Except maybe Deku if he trips over my dress shoes."

Astrid snorted, "Or if he looks in your direction."

"Uhm, did I ask, nerd?" Kachan rolled his eyes.

The other three chuckled lightly in response.


Right when they exited the train was when chaos decided to make its grand entrance. It all began with a yelp, then a scream, then a 'Someone help!'

That earned a collective groan from the four UA students as they hustled towards the commotion. They ran outside the train station and spotted a villain with octopus tentacles throwing cars off the main bridge, letting them fly into the water. Some of them still had people in them. Shoto leapt into action, focusing on getting the people out of the cars. Astrid lost sight of him, but she heard his ice crackling.

Deku went to help Shoto, while Astrid and Bakugo focused on engaging the villain. Astrid let her power flow through her as she spread her arms, bending light and shadow to create the illusion of a bunch more of her and Bakugo, so now it would be hard to pick out which one of them was real.

Together, they lunged, engaging Tentacle Arms in a flurry of mist and explosions. At one point, Bakugo lunged for the villain with Astrid kneeling as she fought to keep the illusion alive. She stilled herself, letting him roll over her back as she propelled him up, watching as he used his explosions to get in the villain's face. Tentacle Arms swatted Kachan aside, and Astrid had to roll out of the way of a slimy purple tentacle.

At least he was attacking them and not civilians.

Astrid and Bakugo had to fall back to regroup. "What do we do?" Astrid asked, "Every attack we launch at him, he just knocks it aside!"

"I have an idea," Bakugo announced as he moved to set a nearby tire on fire with his explosions. Before it could fully spark up and light on fire completely, Astrid pushed it off the bridge into the water.

"What the hell, new girl!"

"Do we have a backup plan!?" Shoto yelled over the fight, having engaged the villain after saving the other civilians.

"We did before SOMEONE thought it would be a great idea to throw it off a bridge!"

"It was on fire, you bum!" Astrid retorted.

"Okay enough!" Shoto shouted, "Get over here and help me freeze him! Astrid, a distraction please?!"

"On it!" Astrid and Bakugo said at the same time as they rejoined the fight. Astrid threw up another illusion of multiple Shoto Todoroki's to make it difficult for Tentacle Arms to choose where to attack. Shoto froze Tentacle Arms' feet to the pavement and it was over then as Astrid lunged forward, all three boys now covering her, and knocked the villain out with a simple touch.

The police had arrived and were ready to take the villain into custody, and the young heroes watched as they did so. Reporters swarmed them, but Astrid sank to the back of their small cluster to avoid a mic to the face.


(A/N: Wassup y'all. I'm back! I finally found a spark of inspiration to continue this story, as well as some of my others! I know a lot of you have been waiting for the next part of this story as well as my Bungo Stray Dogs fic [if you haven't read it, you should check it out! It's about to get real chaotic over there], so here you go! Thanks for sticking with me! Also, leave some hero name ideas in the comments – I'm about to blow your minds with a new, really annoying yet absolutely adorable character! Stay tuned!)

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