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*Thanksgiving Day*

"Okay Babe, seriously we have to get up. We have to get dressed and I'm not meeting your family for Thanksgiving if I don't bring some food." I said

"She doesn't care if you bring food or not Baby. Just as long as you come. All they've talked about since I told them is to meet you." Jackson said

*knock knock*

"Um. Blake. You need to come out here. It's kinda important" Ryder says and I can tell in his voice it's not gonna be something I like.

"One second" I say and walk out of my room, closing my door behind me.

"Nice of my children to finally come from their rooms." Mom said

"Mom. What do you guys want I've got somewhere to be. And like always you probably do too" I said

"Your not going any damn where, your going to sit your ass down and enjoy our company." Dad said

"I sure as hell won't. You don't know the first thing about us." I said

"We don't need too. Your our children and we told you to listen and you aren't so your grounded." Mom said

"Fuck you. I'm sorry Ryder I can't do this. Either you come with me or stay with those excuses for parents. You know you have zero control over me for almost a year now. You don't really give two shits about us. You just pretend you do every once in a couple years." I said

"Blake, please sit down. Maybe they really do want to stay this time" Ryder said

"Fine. Then you can stay but i'm leaving. Ask Parker for a ride. If she forgives you for this" I said

"You can't leave! You are my child and I will not be disrespected in my house!" My dad said raising his voice

"I'm almost 19 years old. I've practically had to raise my own brother because you two decided we weren't important to you. At least I wasn't. We all know that you were too embarrassed to have me as a fucking son. Just say it. You wish you never had a fucked up kid like me. Maybe Ryder would have a better life than he does because he would have experienced having parents who gave two shits if we were alive. So just say it so we can all get on with our lives. You hate me. You hate that I'm gay. Your embarrassed that I'm your blood. You can't deny it anymore. I trusted you to still love me but instead you left us to go on a "business trip" who the fuck goes on a business trip for 6 months to a year at a time. Who misses their kids milestones for a business trip. Who misses holidays for a fucking business trip! You don't. You just don't want to have to face the fact that I am your son. Whether any of us like it or not." I said

"Blake. They don't hate y-" Ryder said

"Shut up." Dad said
"If he wants to think we put a roof over his head because we don't love him then so be it. We'll see how long you last out there on your own." Dad says

"Then maybe I will. At least you admitted you hate me. That's all I wanted. Because it wasn't just a coincidence that you left right after I came out to you. Always miss my birthday. My milestones. My license. My driving. My first job. Hell I bet you didn't know I have a boyfriend. You probably don't give a shit Ryder's ex friend tried to rape and force himself on me cuz he told his friends I was gay. I bet you didnt know that I got accepted into colleges all over the state. You never gave a shit unless not caring was looked down upon by others. You only miss Ryders when they are near anything I do. You never answered us. You only come home when you need to get something" I said

"Honey, that's not what we intended." Mom said

"Really then please enlighten me on what your intentions were then Mother" I said

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