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"Excuse me! You are not my protector Ryder! YOU are my LITTLE brother! You did a hell of a good job at not giving a shit about my life until you made a mistake and lost my trust then you 'save' me from one of YOUR friends! That's bullshit. You only decided to act like my brother when you grew a fucking conscious. But I've had enough. You listen to me. I am the older brother. If I want to be with my boyfriend leave me the fuck alone. I'm done with this you need to be the hero to make yourself feel better! I'm done with it. You can't just expect me to be okay with everything. You beat up the one person who has actually been there these past couple of months, he isn't overbearing but he shows he cares and listens and doesn't interfere when he knows I need it. He actually shows he loves me when all I get from you is overbearing acting like my fucking body guard because you told your friends and they bullied me until one fucking kissed me and tried to rape me so excuse me for wanting to be with the one person who's actually been there FOR me." I said almost in tears with Ryder standing there dumbfounded.

"Blake Baby, it's okay. It's okay. Let it out" Jackson said and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close and I just couldn't help it, I broke down into sobs as he rubbed my back.

"I.. I didn't know you.. I" Ryder tried but it come out mumbled as I couldn't stop the sobs.

"I don't think you're helping your case Ryder." Jackson said and then I heard footsteps retreating.

"T-thanks I.. I just" I said almost shaking from my emotions

"I know Baby, it's okay" Jackson said

After there was nothing left but a few sobs, from him comforting me, I looked up only then realizing he had put me in his lap while comforting me. "Why are you so perfect" I asked

"I am far from it Baby but for you I will try to be as perfect as I can be." He said

"It's crazy but nobody has ever loved me and I have never felt more loved than when I'm with you." I said

"Baby, I love you more than anything or anyone else in the world." He said

"I love you too, thank you for that. I really hate acting like that with my brother but it's the truth and I know it sounded rude but I've just pretended for so long and it hurts." I said

"I know Baby" he said kissing my forehead

"God, please don't ever leave me" I said

"I wouldn't ever dream of it. Your already too good for me, why would I ever willingly let that go" He said

I leaned up and kissed him. My fingers were wrapped in his hair until neither of us could breathe. "What was that for?" He asked still holding me against him.

"Maybe I just like kissing my hot boyfriend" I said

Then there was a knock on the front door again. "People have horrible timing" He said

"Yo, you know Jackson's here?" I hear Hunter say

"Damn they're back" I said

"Obviously he knows" Jeremiah said

"If you two are just gonna argue go away. I'm not in the mood for this" Ryder says

We both get up and walk into the hallway when my stomach growls. "But Babe, I'm not hungry" I said when he grabs my hand and turns to the direction of the kitchen.

"Your stomach is growling Baby you have to eat something" He said dragging me into the kitchen.

"Hey, Jackson. Blake" Hunter says

"Hey Blake. Jackson." Jeremiah said

Ryder says nothing and stares at the ground. "Ryder- weren't you supposed to be at Parker's?" Jeremiah said

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