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The Black Album. I wasn't well educated on how the music industry worked, so when Prince told me the release of his album was canceled, it was just as jarring to me as the album itself was.

I guess when I wasn't looking, he spent a good amount of time on the phone with some guy from Warners talking the record away. Prince told me it was made from a place of anger and represented an evil spirit he didn't want to spread to anyone, even those who wished bad for him.

So the album was recalled and Le Grind was shelved, just like my work before it. But I couldn't be upset with him. Ultimately, he was the painter. My dance was just a color.

The John Landis movie was still promising at least. Eddie Murphy called Paisley Park for me the day Prince told me the bad/good news. "I just wanted to thank you for hopping on the project." He said he wanted to get in touch with everyone before we all met on set. And then he started asking me about Paisley Park. "Prince got a basketball court there? Tell him I want a rematch."

"A rematch?"

"Yeah, he'll know what I'm talking about," he laughed. "Don't be fooled by the high heels. He'll kick your ass in ball then serve you some pancakes afterwards to soothe your hurt feelings."

"What?" I laughed with him. Eddie said he was a Prince groupie and couldn't wait to come over. "I'll see you soon in New York."

After ending the call, I started to feel a little down realizing I had to leave in less than 30 days. Eddie said I would be needed on set in January. He had all the details John couldn't give actually. Eddie said the film's composer Nile Rodgers wanted to present the music to me at Paisley Park so he could get his peek into the purple palace too.

John had been tough to get in touch with so I was appreciative of Eddie. But how funny that the next day John finally returned my call. I was home that time, stopping my run on the treadmill to listen to his nonsense. "Eddie just wants to fuck you."

"Excuse me?"

"Listen, just please, if he shoots a shot, dodge it. I can't have him fucking things up. Wait until we're in post-production to give in, okay?"

"Who said I wanted to sleep with him?" And just as I said the words, Prince appeared around the corner. "I have to go," I said cutting John off.

"Who is that?" Prince asked approaching. And John was still going when he grabbed the phone. "Who is this?"

I could hear John stuttering before calling Prince's name. "Why didn't she tell me you were in the room?"

"Why are you asking her who she's sleeping with? What the fuck that gotta do with your movie?"

"Babe, please hang up," I said snatching the phone. "John, I'll see you in New York."

"Yeah, and so will I!" Prince got in before I hung up. He was not pleased with my control of the situation. But as idiotic as the call was, I couldn't afford to lose another job but he wasn't trying to hear that.

"That's the reputation you want?"

"I'm just trying to keep things professional."

"How when he's not even being professional? You need to demand respect in this business. And if you won't, I will 'cause I'll be damned if anyone thinks they can talk to my woman any ol' way."

I couldn't help my smile but he was still mad so left.

Though Prince had this epiphany about the album, it left him in a weird space of "what now" and I didn't want him tripping over the edge again. I felt closer than ever to him but we were constantly clashing on the smallest, meaningless things. Like me singing to myself in the kitchen while our bagels toasted.

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