The prodigy

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The prodigy

There was a long time ago, two best friends. One of them was lonely child, lived in good conditions, had a good family, not great grades and just a few friends. The other one was a prodigy, he was so smart and had amazingly grades, he lived in an amazing house, was stupid rich and had many friends. The lonely child liked being around the prodigy, they spent so many good times together, but there was an issue. The prodigy was nice toward him, but all around him was this dark aura. It gave a bad feeling, and the lonely child didn’t like it. It attracted other children. Those children praised the progidy, or on the contrary, mocked him for being himself. The prodigy liked the attention, while his friend didn’t. Those people were bad to him, leading him away from the prodigy. And the more he stayed away from the prodigy, the more he started to hate him. He was everything he wanted to be he realized, He was smart, he had friends, he had was still nice to him, and had his life together. But it was by pity he talked to him, the lonely child knew it had to be.

The anxiety and loneliness creeped more and more on the lonely child, and hatred built up. But he couldn’t do anything about it. He was silent, hoping that somebody would notice him. His kind and gentle soul wasn’t present anymore. He was desperate, he needed attention, he needed help, he needed a sign of someone caring.
But that sign never came.

The lonely child was minutes away from doing bad things, very bad things.

He told so many people.

He told his “friends”.

That sign never came.

He told his family.

That sign never came.

He told the prodigy.

But that sign never came.

Days later, he didn’t come back. The prodigy wondered where his friend was, but he never received news. He never feared the worst, and assumed he just needed to be alone some more, and refused to talk to him. His new friends kept on telling him how the lonely child wasn’t a great person, how he deserved to stay away, and the prodigy listened.

But the lonely child had been alone for long enough.

In his dark room, the lonely child silently cried. The empty pill bottle and half cooked pasta near his pillow taunted him, reminding him of what he had done. He was never able in his life to take pills with water, it was so childish. As he closed his eyes, tiredness taking over the tears, he creeped a smile.

Now, everyone would finally give him a sign.

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