I hate you.

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I hate you
I hate you so much
You are such a bitch
I wish every day for your demise
You are the perfect example of a fake perfect child
Always seeming perfect and happy to everyone, intelligent, and popular
I despite you
You stole my friends away from me
C... you stole her from me. My best friend, my sister, you brainwashed her into thinking you were better than me, that my friendship was not good enough.
And for j, goddamn, he's already so gullible. why, why did you set him up against me? Why did you tell him to not talk to me for a whole week? Why do you keep him away from me?
What I even do to you?
Ever since 4ème, you detested me. What did I do? Was it because I stayed with G? Like she couldn't have more friends other than you?
I realized this year how much of a pretentious little slut you are. You love it whenever someone praises you, you look perfect at the eyes of everyone.
But I am not fooled. I know who is hiding behind your little miss perfect mask.
And for today... you made me look like an untitled child. You wanted to embarrass me. And for what? A stupid chair?
And for n backing you up... you both are horrible.
But you, e, you... I wish for you to experience pain, you fucking useless fake piece of shit.
Ooh man, I just can't wait for the last day of this fucking year.
I'll take you out, separate you, and slap you.
You deserve way more than a slap.
But I don't want to seem like a bad guy, because I am not.
You are a manipulative hoe, and you know it.
I swear, you'll regret it. Oh my god, you'll regret it.
I hate you as much as you hate me
But you know what?
I am better than you
I don't say this often, but here, I can prove it.
I know I am not the best person. A bit of a loner, and with weird hobbies.
But bro, at least I have a family that loves me, I have planned my future, I have some purpose in life.
What is yours, e?
Tell me, do you wish to live in a fairytale based of your lie?
Do you wish to look like a fool when karma hits you?
And honestly
Never, never have I met someone like you.
It's childish, but you are a snake. You feed of others, you use them, you pretend to be a perfect person, gentle and understanding.
But I see the truth.
I swear, I'll reveal who you really are.
You deserve nothing, e.
I hope you die like a roach, stomped on the floor mercilessly and not given any second thoughts.

Free me I beg you| ventOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz