You promised

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You promised

Do you remember that day?

You saw me at my most vulnerable.

You made me swear that I’d tell you everything.

And you’d helped me, you”d save me.

Why did you lie?

Was it worth it?

Was it worth it to humiliate me like this?

Did you enjoy seeing me crying in your arms, while I screamed my heart out?

You led me on, making me think you had finally, finally, understood my pain, my feelings, my dark darkest ideas.

But here we are, too much time has passed, I feel worse than ever and you seem to have forgotten about my trauma.

I almost killed myself, and all you have to say now is “but look at you, you’re fine!”

You are the one who broke me, you have no right to feel sorry for yourself, when you cry about your “little girl”.

She died a long time ago, killed by your hands. I am not a girl anymore, but you aren’t ready for this conversation.

You neglected me, your own child, and not only me! My poor sister, you are the one that killed the little kids in us!

I hate you, I despise you. You deserve nothing, expect pain.

You promised me to help me.

And I trusted you.

You are a bad mom.

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