Part Three: Knives Out

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Clementine slowly blinked, the dim light of something in her surroundings cutting through the black void that had been enveloping her. When her eyes focused, she glanced around frantically.
The room she was in was totally unfamiliar. She was laying on an, admittedly comfortable, bed. There was a chair in the corner, a few chests and cabinets, and a door to the far side opposite her.
Clem swung her legs out of the bed and got to her feet. As she stood, her vision went dark and fuzzy and her head felt light.
Holding onto the nightstand for support, she touched a hand to her head and felt fabric.


When her head stopped spinning, Clem carefully snuck to the door. Light spilled underneath from the other side and muffled voices could be heard, but she couldn't make out what they were saying.
A shadow moved across the other side of the door and footsteps began approaching.
Clem quietly moved to the side of the door frame, pressing herself against the wall.
She was at a severe disadvantage by not knowing where she was or who was keeping her here.
There was also no time for her to grab a makeshift weapon before the door started to open.
Light spilled in and a figure entered the room, walking towards the bed. They froze when they saw it empty.
Her heart pounding, Clem lunged and grabbed them by the wrists, pressing the person into the wall face first.
With one hand twisted behind their back, Clem controlled their movement.

"Don't say a word unless I tell you to." Clem whispered.

They nodded their head frantically, letting out a shuddering breath.

"Where am I?"

"I- I don't really know how to answer that. You're in our house, in the slums..."

The person Clem had in an arm bar was a girl around her age, judging by her voice. She had a heavy southern accent, which Clem found strange.
It was a rare thing to see Americans in Harran.
The city was a melting pot of Turkish, Slavic, and various middle-eastern cultures, but very few Americans actually ended up there all those years ago.

"How many of you are there?" Clem hissed.

"There's six of us... don't you remember? Those guys were gonna kill you, we saw and came to help."

Suddenly the events of that day came flooding back to her. She remembered Salim threatening her, the people who had saved her, and not much after that.
Clem released the girl from her grip and stepped back, raising her hands.

"I'm so sorry-"

"It's okay. I'd be freaked out in your situation too." The girl replied, catching her breath.

She stepped into the light from the door and Clem finally got a good look at her.
She was short, with a round face framed by a halo of wild red hair.

"If you're feeling up to it, you can come out and meet everyone. We've even got some food that's being prepared."

Clem considered the request for a moment before nodding her head in agreement.
She followed the girl out of the room and down a set of stairs.

"I'm Ruby, by the way." She said over her shoulder.

"I'm Clementine."

They seemed to be in an old style townhouse. It was spacious enough to not be claustrophobic, but still fairly cozy.
At the bottom of the stairs, they turned right and entered a living room that was lit up with various lamps and candles.
Sitting around the room on the couches and armchairs, were the ones who had rescued her.
The far end of the lounge had an open kitchen area, where a boy with a goatee was cooking something on the stove.

Good Night, Good Luck: TWDG/Dying Light Crossover AUWhere stories live. Discover now